Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
First Thanksgiving | 37-39 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
First Moon Landing | 55-57 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
George Washington | 85-87 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Abraham Lincoln | 94-96 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.3: Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
First Thanksgiving | 37-39 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
First Moon Landing | 55-57 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
George Washington | 85-87 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Abraham Lincoln | 94-96 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
First Thanksgiving | 37-39 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
First Moon Landing | 55-57 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
George Washington | 85-87 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Abraham Lincoln | 94-96 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.5: Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
First Thanksgiving | 37-39 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
First Moon Landing | 55-57 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
George Washington | 85-87 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Abraham Lincoln | 94-96 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.2.8: Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
First Thanksgiving | 37-39 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
First Moon Landing | 55-57 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
George Washington | 85-87 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Abraham Lincoln | 94-96 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.2.7: Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
First Thanksgiving | 37-39 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
First Moon Landing | 55-57 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
George Washington | 85-87 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Abraham Lincoln | 94-96 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.2.9: Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic.
Passage | Pages |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.2.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Pages |
Is it a Deer? A Goat? No, It's an Antelope! | 10-12 |
Canadian Wood Frogs | 13-15 |
Sharks: Mighty Hunters of the Sea | 16-18 |
Busy Bees | 19-21 |
Puffins: Sea Parrots of the Arctic | 22-24 |
Sea Turtles | 25-27 |
Animals in Australia’s Northern Territory | 28-30 |
Octopus on the Loose! | 31-33 |
Inventing the Block and Tackle | 34-36 |
First Thanksgiving | 37-39 |
Discovery of Gravity | 40-42 |
First Flight | 43-45 |
Women’s Right to Vote | 46-48 |
Birth of an Island | 49-51 |
Gaining Equal Rights | 52-54 |
First Moon Landing | 55-57 |
Deserts | 58-60 |
The Tundra | 61-63 |
The Great Lakes | 64-66 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 67-69 |
Glaciers: Ice on the Move | 70-72 |
The Lake on the Mountain | 73-75 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 76-78 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 79-81 |
Deborah Sampson | 82-84 |
George Washington | 85-87 |
Sacagawea | 88-90 |
Elizabeth Blackwell | 91-93 |
Abraham Lincoln | 94-96 |
Jackie Robinson | 97-99 |
Cesar Chavez | 100-102 |
Dr. Antonia Novello | 103-105 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.