Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.3: Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.6.6: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.6.9: Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Range of Writing
ELA.W.6.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
ELA.W.6.1c: Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
ELA.W.6.1b: Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
ELA.W.6.1a: Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
ELA.W.6.2d: Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
ELA.W.6.2b: Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
ELA.W.6.2a: Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.6.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Knowledge of Language
ELA.L.6.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
ELA.L.6.4a: Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
ELA.L.6.4b: Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory, audible).
Activity | Pages |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
ELA.L.6.5c: Distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (e.g., stingy, scrimping, economical, unwasteful, thrifty).
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
ELA.L.6.5b: Use the relationship between particular words(e.g., cause/effect, part/whole, item/category) to better understand each of the words.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
ELA.L.6.5a: Interpret figures of speech (e.g., personification) in context.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.6.2: Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.6.3: Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.6.6: Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.6.7: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.6.8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.6.9: Compare and contrast one author's presentation of events with that of another (e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person).
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.CCRA.R.2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.CCRA.R.1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.CCRA.R.3: Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.CCRA.R.6: Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.CCRA.R.5: Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.CCRA.R.4: Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.CCRA.R.9: Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.CCRA.R.8: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.CCRA.R.7: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.CCRA.R.10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
Activity | Pages |
Unit 1: "Creating a Stir" | 6-9 |
Unit 2: "Falling Off and Growing Up" | 9-11 |
Unit 3: "The Dynamic Trio" | 12-15 |
Unit 4: "#Symbols" | 16-18 |
Unit 5: "The Prototype" | 19-21 |
Unit 6: "A Little from a Lot" | 22-25 |
Unit 7: "A Fit for Her Environment" | 26-28 |
Unit 8: "The Early Shift" | 29-31 |
Unit 9: "The Golden Door" | 32-35 |
Unit 10: "The Impossible Dream" | 36-40 |
Unit 11: "Selling Snacks" | 41-45 |
Unit 12: "In More Than One Place" | 46-49 |
Unit 13: "More Rare Than Gold" | 50-53 |
Unit 14: "Around a Long Time" | 54-57 |
Unit 15: "Six Honest Serving-Men" | 58-61 |
Unit 16: "A Cache of Cash on Cache" | 62-65 |
Unit 17: "Seeing Eye to Eye" | 66-68 |
Unit 18: "All Ears" | 69-71 |
Unit 19: "All Thumbs" | 72-75 |
Unit 20: "All the Same to Me" | 76-78 |
Unit 21: "Not the Same Thing" | 79-81 |
Unit 22: "Chasing the Cheese" | 82-86 |
Unit 23: "Two Singular Creatures" | 87-91 |
Unit 24: "Appropriately Named" | 92-95 |
Unit 25: "Into and Out of Thin Air" | 96-99 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.