Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Daily Warm-Ups: Language Skills Grade 4

Daily Warm-Ups: Language Skills Grade 4

English Language Arts

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 4

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.4.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Page
Nouns (Common Nouns) 6
Nouns (Proper Nouns) 7
Nouns (Singular Nouns) 8
Nouns (Plural Nouns) 9
Nouns (Substitute Noun for Pronoun) 10
Nouns (Irregular Plural Nouns that Change Form) 11
Nouns (Irregular Plural Nouns that Don't Change Form) 12
Nouns (Nouns as Subjects) 13
Nouns (Appositives) 14
Verbs (Present Tense Verbs) 15
Verbs (Linking Verbs) 16
Verbs (Linking Verbs) 17
Verbs (Helping Verbs) 18
Verbs (Action Verbs) 19
Verbs (Main Verbs) 20
Verbs (Regular Verbs) 21
Verbs (Irregular Verbs) 22
Verbs (Past Tense Verbs) 23
Verbs (Past Tense Irregular Verbs) 24
Verbs (Forms of Regular Verbs) 25
Verbs (Simple Tenses) 26
Adjectives (Numerical Adjectives) 27
Adjectives (Indefinite Adjectives) 28
Adjectives (Comparative Adjectives) 29
Adjectives (Superlative Adjectives) 30
Adjectives (Predicate Adjectives) 31
Adverbs 32
Adverbs 33
Adverbs (Adverbs of Comparison) 34
Adverbs (Superlative Adverbs) 35
Adverbs (Irregular Adverbs of Comparison) 36
Interjections 37
Interjections 38
Prepositions 39
Prepositions 40
Prepositions 41
Conjunctions (Coordinating Conjunctions) 42
Conjunctions (Coordinating Conjunctions) 43
Conjunctions (Coordinating Conjunctions) 44
Conjunctions (Correlative Conjunctions) 45
Conjunctions (Correlative Conjunctions) 46
Conjunctions (Correlative Conjunctions) 47
Pronouns (Subject Pronouns) 48
Pronouns (Subject Pronouns) 49
Pronouns (Subject Pronouns) 50
Pronouns (Object Pronouns) 51
Pronouns (Pronoun Agreement) 52
Pronouns (Possessive Pronouns) 53
Negatives 54
Negatives 55
Simple Sentences 56
Simple Sentences 57
Compound Sentences 58
Complex Sentences 59
Complex Sentences 60
Complex Sentences 61
Complex Sentences 62
Parallel Structure 63
Parallel Structure 64
Transitional Devices 65
Transitional Devices 66
Sentence Fragments 67
Sentence Fragments 68
Homophones 116
Homophones 117
Homophones 118
Homophones 119
Homophones 120
Paragraphs (Indenting) 125
Paragraphs (Margins) 126
Paragraphs (Titles) 127
Paragraphs (Main Idea) 128
Letter Format 130
Letter Format 131
Letter Format 132

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.4.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Activity Page
Compound Sentences 58
Contractions 69
Contractions 70
Compound Words 71
Compound Words 72
Compound Words 73
Compound Words 74
Syllables (VCV Words) 91
Syllables (VCCV Words) 92
Syllables (VCCCV Words) 93
Syllables (Prefixes) 94
Syllables (Suffixes) 95
Syllables (Suffixes) 96
Syllables (Suffixes) 97
Syllables (Suffix -le) 98
Syllables (Suffix -s or -es) 99
Syllables (Compound Words) 100
Vowel Patterns (Diphthongs oo and ew) 101
Vowel Patterns (Diphthongs oi and oy) 102
Vowel Patterns (Diphthongs ou, ow) 103
Vowel Patterns (Diphthongs au and aw) 104
Vowel Patterns (Diphthongs ie and ei) 105
Complex Word Families (-ight words) 106
Complex Word Families (-ould and -ought words) 107
Dictionary Skills 133
Dictionary Skills 134
Dictionary Skills 135
Dictionary Skills 136
Dictionary Skills 137
Dictionary Skills 138
Dictionary Skills 139
Dictionary Skills 140
Capitalization Rules (Initials) 141
Capitalization Rules (Initials) 142
Capitalization Rules (Abbreviations) 143
Commas (Dates) 144
Commas (Addresses) 145
Commas (Greetings and Closings of Letters) 146
Commas (Items in a series) 147
Apostrophes (Contractions) 148
Apostrophes (Contractions) 149
Apostrophes (Possessives) 150
Apostrophes (Possessives) 151
Hyphens 152
Hyphens 153
Quotation Marks (Titles) 154
Quotation Marks (Direct Quotes) 155
Colons 156
Citing Sources 157
Editing 158
Editing 159
Editing 160

Knowledge of Language

ELA.L.4.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Activity Page
Synonyms 108
Synonyms 109
Synonyms 110
Synonyms 111
Antonyms 112
Antonyms 113
Antonyms 114
Antonyms 115
Homophones 116
Homophones 117
Homophones 118
Homophones 119
Homophones 120
Homographs 121
Homographs 122
Multiple-Meaning Words 123
Multiple-Meaning Words 124
Letter Format 130
Letter Format 131
Letter Format 132
Quotation Marks (Direct Quotes) 155

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.4.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife, conservation, and endangered when discussing animal preservation).

Activity Page
Compound Words 71
Compound Words 72
Compound Words 73
Compound Words 74

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.4.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Activity Page
Analogies 75
Analogies 76
Figures of Speech 77
Figures of Speech 78
Figures of Speech 79
Figures of Speech 80
Figures of Speech 81
Figures of Speech 82
Figures of Speech 83
Root Words 84
Root Words 85
Root Words 86
Prefixes 87
Prefixes 88
Suffixes 89
Suffixes 90
Dictionary Skills 133
Dictionary Skills 134
Dictionary Skills 135
Dictionary Skills 136
Dictionary Skills 137
Dictionary Skills 138
Dictionary Skills 139
Dictionary Skills 140

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.4.5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

Activity Page
Analogies 75
Analogies 76
Figures of Speech 77
Figures of Speech 78
Figures of Speech 79
Figures of Speech 80
Figures of Speech 81
Figures of Speech 82
Figures of Speech 83
Synonyms 108
Synonyms 109
Synonyms 110
Synonyms 111
Antonyms 112
Antonyms 113
Antonyms 114
Antonyms 115
Homophones 116
Homophones 117
Homophones 118
Homophones 119
Homophones 120
Homographs 121
Homographs 122
Multiple-Meaning Words 123
Multiple-Meaning Words 124

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