Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.5.3: Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.5.2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
Activity | Pages |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.5.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.5.7: Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.5.9: Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.5.8: Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).
Activity | Pages |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.5.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 4–5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Phonics and Word Recognition
ELA.RF.5.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
ELA.RF.5.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.5.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.5.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.5.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
Activity | Pages |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.5.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.5.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.5.5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.5.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Pages |
Cook's Letter | 10-11 |
Visitor from Colombia | 12-13 |
Da Vinci and the Painting | 14-15 |
Safari Guide | 16-17 |
Wave-Riding Whales | 18-19 |
Spaghetti Harvest | 20-21 |
The Ball and the Tsunami | 22-23 |
Probably True, or Must Be True? | 24-25 |
The Architect's Diary | 26-27 |
Marathon Legend | 28-29 |
Upside-Down World | 30-31 |
A Herd with Fangs | 32-33 |
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg | 34-35 |
Time Machine | 36-37 |
Georgia, Georgia | 38-39 |
Around the World | 40-41 |
Octopus in the Post Office | 42-43 |
Organs You Can't Play | 44-45 |
The Greatest Inventor | 46-47 |
Where Are the Strawberries? | 48-49 |
Eggs, Tears, and the Nile | 50-51 |
Enough Rice? | 52-53 |
Scared Stiff | 54-55 |
A Day Longer Than a Year | 56-57 |
Seaworthy Sale? | 58-59 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.