Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Daily Warm-Ups: Reading, Grade 2

Daily Warm-Ups: Reading, Grade 2

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Literature, Grade 2

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Three Little Bugs 90
Savannah and the Giant Sunflower 91
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Horses and the Troll 93
Essie and the Parrots 94
Lars and Nina 95
Rain Blue 96
The Rat and the Princess 97
Slow Worm and the Quail 98
Ugly Monkey 99
The Apple Girl 100
Why Bees Buzz 101
Karl and the Talking Kiwi 102
Jumping Jellyfish 103
Little Blue Bonnet 104
Sam Walks on the Moon 105
"I Have a Dream" 106
A Pilgrim Day 107
One-Room Schoolhouse 108
Stars in Her Eyes 109
Henry Learns to Fly 110
Grandpa and the Five and Dime 111
Crayons 112
Band-Aids 113
Toll House Cookies 114
The Horseless Carriage 115
Life Savers 116
A Model House 117
The Meat Plant 118
In the Mine 119
Ore Boat on the Great Lakes 120
Frank 121
Yucky 122
Hoops 123
The Big Game 124
Missing Money 125
Party 126
Skiing 127
After School 128
Fight 129
My Hair 130
No Homework 131
Best Friends 132
The Big "D" 133
Moving Day 134
Stuck in the Snow Fort 135
The Tent 136
Lights in the Shed 137
The Bus 138
Snapshot 139
That's My Dog! 140
Who's at My House? 141
Codes 142
Socks 143
Surprise! 144
The Case of the Missing Keys 145
The Cat Has My Tongue! 146
The Missing Dog 147
Broccoli 148
Look at Its Hair! 149
Great Balls of Fire! 150
Candy Planet 151
Wafflehead 152
Arnie the Ant 153
Talking Shampoo Bottle 154
Wishes 155
Mr. Cat 156
Waterpark 157
The Moon 158
More Chili and Cheese, Please! 159
Star Gazing 160
Candice 161
A Lollipop? 162
Martians 163
Jellybeans and Me 164
Vanishing Veggies 165
Soldiers Under My Bed 166

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Three Little Bugs 90
Savannah and the Giant Sunflower 91
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Horses and the Troll 93
Essie and the Parrots 94
Lars and Nina 95
Rain Blue 96
The Rat and the Princess 97
Slow Worm and the Quail 98
Ugly Monkey 99
The Apple Girl 100
Why Bees Buzz 101
Karl and the Talking Kiwi 102
Jumping Jellyfish 103
Little Blue Bonnet 104
Sam Walks on the Moon 105
"I Have a Dream" 106
A Pilgrim Day 107
One-Room Schoolhouse 108
Stars in Her Eyes 109
Henry Learns to Fly 110
Grandpa and the Five and Dime 111
Crayons 112
Band-Aids 113
Toll House Cookies 114
The Horseless Carriage 115
Life Savers 116
A Model House 117
The Meat Plant 118
In the Mine 119
Ore Boat on the Great Lakes 120
Frank 121
Yucky 122
Hoops 123
The Big Game 124
Missing Money 125
Party 126
Skiing 127
After School 128
Fight 129
My Hair 130
No Homework 131
Best Friends 132
The Big "D" 133
Moving Day 134
Stuck in the Snow Fort 135
The Tent 136
Lights in the Shed 137
The Bus 138
Snapshot 139
That's My Dog! 140
Who's at My House? 141
Codes 142
Socks 143
Surprise! 144
The Case of the Missing Keys 145
The Cat Has My Tongue! 146
The Missing Dog 147
Broccoli 148
Look at Its Hair! 149
Great Balls of Fire! 150
Candy Planet 151
Wafflehead 152
Arnie the Ant 153
Talking Shampoo Bottle 154
Wishes 155
Mr. Cat 156
Waterpark 157
The Moon 158
More Chili and Cheese, Please! 159
Star Gazing 160
Candice 161
A Lollipop? 162
Martians 163
Jellybeans and Me 164
Vanishing Veggies 165
Soldiers Under My Bed 166

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.2.2: Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Three Little Bugs 90
Savannah and the Giant Sunflower 91
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Horses and the Troll 93
Essie and the Parrots 94
Lars and Nina 95
Rain Blue 96
The Rat and the Princess 97
Slow Worm and the Quail 98
Ugly Monkey 99
The Apple Girl 100
Why Bees Buzz 101
Karl and the Talking Kiwi 102
Jumping Jellyfish 103
Little Blue Bonnet 104
A Pilgrim Day 107
Grandpa and the Five and Dime 111
The Big Game 124
Missing Money 125
Party 126
No Homework 131
Best Friends 132
Lights in the Shed 137
The Bus 138
Snapshot 139
That's My Dog! 140
Who's at My House? 141
Codes 142
Socks 143
Surprise! 144
The Case of the Missing Keys 145
The Cat Has My Tongue! 146
The Missing Dog 147
Broccoli 148
Look at Its Hair! 149
Great Balls of Fire! 150
Candy Planet 151
Wafflehead 152
Arnie the Ant 153
Talking Shampoo Bottle 154
Wishes 155
Mr. Cat 156
Waterpark 157
The Moon 158
More Chili and Cheese, Please! 159
Star Gazing 160
Candice 161
A Lollipop? 162
Martians 163
Jellybeans and Me 164
Vanishing Veggies 165
Soldiers Under My Bed 166

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.2.5: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Three Little Bugs 90
Savannah and the Giant Sunflower 91
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Horses and the Troll 93
Essie and the Parrots 94
Lars and Nina 95
Rain Blue 96
The Rat and the Princess 97
Slow Worm and the Quail 98
Ugly Monkey 99
The Apple Girl 100
Why Bees Buzz 101
Karl and the Talking Kiwi 102
Jumping Jellyfish 103
Little Blue Bonnet 104
Sam Walks on the Moon 105
"I Have a Dream" 106
A Pilgrim Day 107
One-Room Schoolhouse 108
Stars in Her Eyes 109
Henry Learns to Fly 110
Grandpa and the Five and Dime 111
Crayons 112
Band-Aids 113
Toll House Cookies 114
The Horseless Carriage 115
Life Savers 116
A Model House 117
The Meat Plant 118
In the Mine 119
Ore Boat on the Great Lakes 120
Frank 121
Yucky 122
Hoops 123
The Big Game 124
Missing Money 125
Party 126
Skiing 127
After School 128
Fight 129
My Hair 130
No Homework 131
Best Friends 132
The Big "D" 133
Moving Day 134
Stuck in the Snow Fort 135
The Tent 136
Lights in the Shed 137
The Bus 138
Snapshot 139
That's My Dog! 140
Who's at My House? 141
Codes 142
Socks 143
Surprise! 144
The Case of the Missing Keys 145
The Cat Has My Tongue! 146
The Missing Dog 147
Broccoli 148
Look at Its Hair! 149
Great Balls of Fire! 150
Candy Planet 151
Wafflehead 152
Arnie the Ant 153
Talking Shampoo Bottle 154
Wishes 155
Mr. Cat 156
Waterpark 157
The Moon 158
More Chili and Cheese, Please! 159
Star Gazing 160
Candice 161
A Lollipop? 162
Martians 163
Jellybeans and Me 164
Vanishing Veggies 165
Soldiers Under My Bed 166

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.2.6: Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Apple Girl 100
Grandpa and the Five and Dime 111
Yucky 122
Party 126
No Homework 131
Best Friends 132
The Big "D" 133
Snapshot 139
Candy Planet 151
Wafflehead 152
Talking Shampoo Bottle 154

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.2.4: Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.

Passage Page
Three Little Bugs 90
Essie and the Parrots 94
Rain Blue 96
Jumping Jellyfish 103
Moving Day 134
Snapshot 139
Great Balls of Fire! 150
Arnie the Ant 153
More Chili and Cheese, Please! 159
Soldiers Under My Bed 166

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.2.7: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Three Little Bugs 90
Savannah and the Giant Sunflower 91
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Horses and the Troll 93
Essie and the Parrots 94
Lars and Nina 95
Rain Blue 96
The Rat and the Princess 97
Slow Worm and the Quail 98
Ugly Monkey 99
The Apple Girl 100
Why Bees Buzz 101
Karl and the Talking Kiwi 102
Jumping Jellyfish 103
Little Blue Bonnet 104
Sam Walks on the Moon 105
"I Have a Dream" 106
A Pilgrim Day 107
One-Room Schoolhouse 108
Stars in Her Eyes 109
Henry Learns to Fly 110
Grandpa and the Five and Dime 111
Crayons 112
Band-Aids 113
Toll House Cookies 114
The Horseless Carriage 115
Life Savers 116
A Model House 117
The Meat Plant 118
In the Mine 119
Ore Boat on the Great Lakes 120
Frank 121
Yucky 122
Hoops 123
The Big Game 124
Missing Money 125
Party 126
Skiing 127
After School 128
Fight 129
My Hair 130
No Homework 131
Best Friends 132
The Big "D" 133
Moving Day 134
Stuck in the Snow Fort 135
The Tent 136
Lights in the Shed 137
The Bus 138
Snapshot 139
That's My Dog! 140
Who's at My House? 141
Codes 142
Socks 143
Surprise! 144
The Case of the Missing Keys 145
The Cat Has My Tongue! 146
The Missing Dog 147
Broccoli 148
Look at Its Hair! 149
Great Balls of Fire! 150
Candy Planet 151
Wafflehead 152
Arnie the Ant 153
Talking Shampoo Bottle 154
Wishes 155
Mr. Cat 156
Waterpark 157
The Moon 158
More Chili and Cheese, Please! 159
Star Gazing 160
Candice 161
A Lollipop? 162
Martians 163
Jellybeans and Me 164
Vanishing Veggies 165
Soldiers Under My Bed 166

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RL.2.9: Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Three Little Bugs 90
Savannah and the Giant Sunflower 91
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Horses and the Troll 93
Essie and the Parrots 94
Lars and Nina 95
Rain Blue 96
The Rat and the Princess 97
Slow Worm and the Quail 98
Ugly Monkey 99
Why Bees Buzz 101
Little Blue Bonnet 104

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RL.2.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Passage Page
Barnella 89
Three Little Bugs 90
Savannah and the Giant Sunflower 91
Tiny, Black Cow 92
The Horses and the Troll 93
Essie and the Parrots 94
Lars and Nina 95
Rain Blue 96
The Rat and the Princess 97
Slow Worm and the Quail 98
Ugly Monkey 99
The Apple Girl 100
Why Bees Buzz 101
Karl and the Talking Kiwi 102
Jumping Jellyfish 103
Little Blue Bonnet 104
Sam Walks on the Moon 105
"I Have a Dream" 106
A Pilgrim Day 107
One-Room Schoolhouse 108
Stars in Her Eyes 109
Henry Learns to Fly 110
Grandpa and the Five and Dime 111
Crayons 112
Band-Aids 113
Toll House Cookies 114
The Horseless Carriage 115
Life Savers 116
A Model House 117
The Meat Plant 118
In the Mine 119
Ore Boat on the Great Lakes 120
Frank 121
Yucky 122
Hoops 123
The Big Game 124
Missing Money 125
Party 126
Skiing 127
After School 128
Fight 129
My Hair 130
No Homework 131
Best Friends 132
The Big "D" 133
Moving Day 134
Stuck in the Snow Fort 135
The Tent 136
Lights in the Shed 137
The Bus 138
Snapshot 139
That's My Dog! 140
Who's at My House? 141
Codes 142
Socks 143
Surprise! 144
The Case of the Missing Keys 145
The Cat Has My Tongue! 146
The Missing Dog 147
Broccoli 148
Look at Its Hair! 149
Great Balls of Fire! 150
Candy Planet 151
Wafflehead 152
Arnie the Ant 153
Talking Shampoo Bottle 154
Wishes 155
Mr. Cat 156
Waterpark 157
The Moon 158
More Chili and Cheese, Please! 159
Star Gazing 160
Candice 161
A Lollipop? 162
Martians 163
Jellybeans and Me 164
Vanishing Veggies 165
Soldiers Under My Bed 166

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 2

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Passage Page
The Giraffe 9
Cats 10
Squid 11
Puffins 12
Saola 13
Mole Rat 14
Tiger 15
Lions 16
Red Squirrel 17
Night Animals 18
Chipmunk 19
Sharks 20
Hermit Crab 21
Tongues 22
Groundhogs 23
Seahorses 24
Ostrich 25
Hummingbirds 26
George Washington 27
Betsy Ross 28
Thomas Jefferson 29
Dolley Madison 30
Albert Einstein 31
George W. Bush 32
Michelle Kwan 33
Tiger Woods 34
Condoleeza Rice 35
Walt Disney 36
Denzel Washington 37
Sandra Bullock 38
Bruce Willis 39
Laura Bush 40
Babe Ruth 41
Hank Aaron 42
Christopher Columbus 43
Harriet Tubman 44
Airplane 45
Cell Phones 46
Coke 47
The Iron 48
The Popsicle 49
Light Bulbs 50
Kool-Aid 51
Marshmallows 52
Microwave Oven 53
Q-tips 54
Sewing Machine 55
Umbrellas 56
Wipers 57
Band-Aids 58
Basketball 59
The Telephone 60
Braille 61
Diapers 62
Mammals 63
Birds 64
Fish 65
Reptiles 66
Amphibians 67
Insects 68
Seeds 69
Habitats 70
Seasons 71
Earth's Resources 72
Winter Olympics 73
iPod 74
Hurricane Katrina 75
Tsunami 76
Tour de France 77
September 11th 78
John Paul II Dies 79
Ben 80
Air Force One 81
Lion King Tryouts 82
Five Mummies 83
Working in the Mines 84
Moms and Dads Want Kids to Eat Veggies 85
Space Shuttle Comes Home 86

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

Passage Page
The Giraffe 9
Cats 10
Squid 11
Puffins 12
Saola 13
Mole Rat 14
Tiger 15
Lions 16
Red Squirrel 17
Night Animals 18
Chipmunk 19
Sharks 20
Hermit Crab 21
Tongues 22
Groundhogs 23
Seahorses 24
Ostrich 25
Hummingbirds 26
George Washington 27
Betsy Ross 28
Thomas Jefferson 29
Dolley Madison 30
Albert Einstein 31
George W. Bush 32
Michelle Kwan 33
Tiger Woods 34
Condoleeza Rice 35
Walt Disney 36
Denzel Washington 37
Sandra Bullock 38
Bruce Willis 39
Laura Bush 40
Babe Ruth 41
Hank Aaron 42
Christopher Columbus 43
Harriet Tubman 44
Airplane 45
Cell Phones 46
Coke 47
The Iron 48
The Popsicle 49
Light Bulbs 50
Kool-Aid 51
Marshmallows 52
Microwave Oven 53
Q-tips 54
Sewing Machine 55
Umbrellas 56
Wipers 57
Band-Aids 58
Basketball 59
The Telephone 60
Braille 61
Diapers 62
Mammals 63
Birds 64
Fish 65
Reptiles 66
Amphibians 67
Insects 68
Seeds 69
Habitats 70
Seasons 71
Earth's Resources 72
Winter Olympics 73
iPod 74
Hurricane Katrina 75
Tsunami 76
Tour de France 77
September 11th 78
John Paul II Dies 79
Ben 80
Air Force One 81
Lion King Tryouts 82
Five Mummies 83
Working in the Mines 84
Moms and Dads Want Kids to Eat Veggies 85
Space Shuttle Comes Home 86

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.2.3: Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.

Passage Page
Albert Einstein 31
George W. Bush 32
Christopher Columbus 43
Cell Phones 46
Coke 47
Microwave Oven 53
Q-tips 54
Mammals 63
Fish 65
Seasons 71
Five Mummies 83
Space Shuttle Comes Home 86

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.

Passage Page
The Giraffe 9
Cats 10
Squid 11
Puffins 12
Saola 13
Mole Rat 14
Tiger 15
Red Squirrel 17
Night Animals 18
Chipmunk 19
Hermit Crab 21
Tongues 22
Groundhogs 23
Seahorses 24
Hummingbirds 26
Thomas Jefferson 29
Dolley Madison 30
Albert Einstein 31
George W. Bush 32
Michelle Kwan 33
Tiger Woods 34
Condoleeza Rice 35
Denzel Washington 37
Bruce Willis 39
Laura Bush 40
Babe Ruth 41
Hank Aaron 42
Christopher Columbus 43
Harriet Tubman 44
Airplane 45
Cell Phones 46
The Iron 48
Light Bulbs 50
Marshmallows 52
Q-tips 54
Umbrellas 56
Band-Aids 58
Basketball 59
Diapers 62
Fish 65
Reptiles 66
Seeds 69
Earth's Resources 72
Winter Olympics 73
iPod 74
Hurricane Katrina 75
Tsunami 76
Tour de France 77
September 11th 78
Lion King Tryouts 82
Five Mummies 83
Working in the Mines 84
Moms and Dads Want Kids to Eat Veggies 85
Space Shuttle Comes Home 86

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.

Passage Page
The Giraffe 9
Cats 10
Squid 11
Puffins 12
Saola 13
Mole Rat 14
Tiger 15
Lions 16
Red Squirrel 17
Night Animals 18
Chipmunk 19
Sharks 20
Hermit Crab 21
Tongues 22
Groundhogs 23
Seahorses 24
Ostrich 25
Hummingbirds 26
George Washington 27
Betsy Ross 28
Thomas Jefferson 29
Dolley Madison 30
Albert Einstein 31
George W. Bush 32
Michelle Kwan 33
Tiger Woods 34
Condoleeza Rice 35
Walt Disney 36
Denzel Washington 37
Sandra Bullock 38
Bruce Willis 39
Laura Bush 40
Babe Ruth 41
Hank Aaron 42
Christopher Columbus 43
Harriet Tubman 44
Airplane 45
Cell Phones 46
Coke 47
The Iron 48
The Popsicle 49
Light Bulbs 50
Kool-Aid 51
Marshmallows 52
Microwave Oven 53
Q-tips 54
Sewing Machine 55
Umbrellas 56
Wipers 57
Band-Aids 58
Basketball 59
The Telephone 60
Braille 61
Diapers 62
Mammals 63
Birds 64
Fish 65
Reptiles 66
Amphibians 67
Insects 68
Seeds 69
Habitats 70
Seasons 71
Earth's Resources 72
Winter Olympics 73
iPod 74
Hurricane Katrina 75
Tsunami 76
Tour de France 77
September 11th 78
John Paul II Dies 79
Ben 80
Air Force One 81
Lion King Tryouts 82
Five Mummies 83
Working in the Mines 84
Moms and Dads Want Kids to Eat Veggies 85
Space Shuttle Comes Home 86

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.2.8: Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.

Passage Page
The Giraffe 9
Cats 10
Squid 11
Puffins 12
Saola 13
Mole Rat 14
Tiger 15
Lions 16
Red Squirrel 17
Night Animals 18
Chipmunk 19
Sharks 20
Hermit Crab 21
Tongues 22
Groundhogs 23
Seahorses 24
Ostrich 25
Hummingbirds 26
George Washington 27
Betsy Ross 28
Thomas Jefferson 29
Dolley Madison 30
Albert Einstein 31
George W. Bush 32
Michelle Kwan 33
Tiger Woods 34
Condoleeza Rice 35
Walt Disney 36
Denzel Washington 37
Sandra Bullock 38
Bruce Willis 39
Laura Bush 40
Babe Ruth 41
Hank Aaron 42
Christopher Columbus 43
Harriet Tubman 44
Airplane 45
Cell Phones 46
Coke 47
The Iron 48
The Popsicle 49
Light Bulbs 50
Kool-Aid 51
Marshmallows 52
Microwave Oven 53
Q-tips 54
Sewing Machine 55
Umbrellas 56
Wipers 57
Band-Aids 58
Basketball 59
The Telephone 60
Braille 61
Diapers 62
Mammals 63
Birds 64
Fish 65
Reptiles 66
Amphibians 67
Insects 68
Seeds 69
Habitats 70
Seasons 71
Earth's Resources 72
Winter Olympics 73
iPod 74
Hurricane Katrina 75
Tsunami 76
Tour de France 77
September 11th 78
John Paul II Dies 79
Ben 80
Air Force One 81
Lion King Tryouts 82
Five Mummies 83
Working in the Mines 84
Moms and Dads Want Kids to Eat Veggies 85
Space Shuttle Comes Home 86

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.2.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Passage Page
The Giraffe 9
Cats 10
Squid 11
Puffins 12
Saola 13
Mole Rat 14
Tiger 15
Lions 16
Red Squirrel 17
Night Animals 18
Chipmunk 19
Sharks 20
Hermit Crab 21
Tongues 22
Groundhogs 23
Seahorses 24
Ostrich 25
Hummingbirds 26
George Washington 27
Betsy Ross 28
Thomas Jefferson 29
Dolley Madison 30
Albert Einstein 31
George W. Bush 32
Michelle Kwan 33
Tiger Woods 34
Condoleeza Rice 35
Walt Disney 36
Denzel Washington 37
Sandra Bullock 38
Bruce Willis 39
Laura Bush 40
Babe Ruth 41
Hank Aaron 42
Christopher Columbus 43
Harriet Tubman 44
Airplane 45
Cell Phones 46
Coke 47
The Iron 48
The Popsicle 49
Light Bulbs 50
Kool-Aid 51
Marshmallows 52
Microwave Oven 53
Q-tips 54
Sewing Machine 55
Umbrellas 56
Wipers 57
Band-Aids 58
Basketball 59
The Telephone 60
Braille 61
Diapers 62
Mammals 63
Birds 64
Fish 65
Reptiles 66
Amphibians 67
Insects 68
Seeds 69
Habitats 70
Seasons 71
Earth's Resources 72
Winter Olympics 73
iPod 74
Hurricane Katrina 75
Tsunami 76
Tour de France 77
September 11th 78
John Paul II Dies 79
Ben 80
Air Force One 81
Lion King Tryouts 82
Five Mummies 83
Working in the Mines 84
Moms and Dads Want Kids to Eat Veggies 85
Space Shuttle Comes Home 86

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