Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Passage | Page |
The Farmer's Corn | 89 |
The Fisherwoman | 90 |
Talking Trees | 91 |
The Sharing Man | 92 |
The Royal Wedding | 93 |
The Strong Princess | 94 |
King Cheese | 95 |
Paul Bunyan's Dinner | 96 |
Prince Peter's Peas | 97 |
Vulcan's Fire | 98 |
Davy's Hat | 99 |
Athena's Owl | 100 |
Bigfoot! | 101 |
Annie's Cat | 102 |
Looking for a Head | 103 |
The Ugly Boy | 104 |
Quentin's Pony | 105 |
The Lady with a Lamp | 106 |
The Red Flower | 107 |
I Dare You | 108 |
The Good Mother | 109 |
The Bathtub | 110 |
Rosa on the Bus | 111 |
Franklin's Problem | 112 |
Anne's Diary | 113 |
The Girl Painter | 114 |
Mozart and Music | 115 |
Smokey the Bear | 116 |
Pat's Music | 117 |
Kat's Poem | 118 |
The Liberty Bell | 119 |
Stuart's Stuff | 120 |
The Small Girl | 121 |
Mark | 122 |
Tamales | 123 |
The Dog | 124 |
The Firefighter | 125 |
Grandma Is Sick | 126 |
The Bean Plant | 127 |
The Stray Cat | 128 |
New Baby | 129 |
The Airplane | 130 |
The Computer | 131 |
Spiders | 132 |
The Lie | 133 |
Frank's Bedroom | 134 |
Going Camping | 135 |
The Nest | 136 |
The Kitten | 137 |
Surfer Jin | 138 |
The Adventure | 139 |
The Note | 140 |
The Apple Thief | 141 |
Scary Story | 142 |
School Mice | 143 |
Lost Dog | 144 |
Dots of Flour | 145 |
The Green Eyes | 146 |
The Jungle | 147 |
Uncle Steve's Glasses | 148 |
The Mysterious Smell | 149 |
Runway Ghost | 150 |
The Young Owl | 151 |
Sammy Seal | 152 |
The Clumsy Cat | 153 |
Big Mouth | 154 |
Casey Can | 155 |
Wanda Worm | 156 |
The Slow Elephant | 157 |
The Silly Squirrel | 158 |
Saturn's Rings | 159 |
Planet Cat | 160 |
Troll Forest | 161 |
Emily's Rocket | 162 |
Glenda Goldfish | 163 |
Going to Earth | 164 |
Ant Boy | 165 |
Rita's Flight | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.1.2: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Passage | Page |
The Farmer's Corn | 89 |
The Fisherwoman | 90 |
Talking Trees | 91 |
The Sharing Man | 92 |
The Royal Wedding | 93 |
The Strong Princess | 94 |
King Cheese | 95 |
Paul Bunyan's Dinner | 96 |
Prince Peter's Peas | 97 |
Vulcan's Fire | 98 |
Davy's Hat | 99 |
Athena's Owl | 100 |
Bigfoot! | 101 |
Annie's Cat | 102 |
Looking for a Head | 103 |
The Ugly Boy | 104 |
Quentin's Pony | 105 |
The Lady with a Lamp | 106 |
The Red Flower | 107 |
I Dare You | 108 |
The Good Mother | 109 |
The Bathtub | 110 |
Rosa on the Bus | 111 |
Franklin's Problem | 112 |
Anne's Diary | 113 |
The Girl Painter | 114 |
Mozart and Music | 115 |
Smokey the Bear | 116 |
Pat's Music | 117 |
Kat's Poem | 118 |
The Liberty Bell | 119 |
Stuart's Stuff | 120 |
The Small Girl | 121 |
Mark | 122 |
Tamales | 123 |
The Dog | 124 |
The Firefighter | 125 |
Grandma Is Sick | 126 |
The Bean Plant | 127 |
The Stray Cat | 128 |
New Baby | 129 |
The Airplane | 130 |
The Computer | 131 |
Spiders | 132 |
The Lie | 133 |
Frank's Bedroom | 134 |
Going Camping | 135 |
The Nest | 136 |
The Kitten | 137 |
Surfer Jin | 138 |
The Adventure | 139 |
The Note | 140 |
The Apple Thief | 141 |
Scary Story | 142 |
School Mice | 143 |
Lost Dog | 144 |
Dots of Flour | 145 |
The Green Eyes | 146 |
The Jungle | 147 |
Uncle Steve's Glasses | 148 |
The Mysterious Smell | 149 |
Runway Ghost | 150 |
The Young Owl | 151 |
Sammy Seal | 152 |
The Clumsy Cat | 153 |
Big Mouth | 154 |
Casey Can | 155 |
Wanda Worm | 156 |
The Slow Elephant | 157 |
The Silly Squirrel | 158 |
Saturn's Rings | 159 |
Planet Cat | 160 |
Troll Forest | 161 |
Emily's Rocket | 162 |
Glenda Goldfish | 163 |
Going to Earth | 164 |
Ant Boy | 165 |
Rita's Flight | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Passage | Page |
The Farmer's Corn | 89 |
The Fisherwoman | 90 |
Talking Trees | 91 |
The Sharing Man | 92 |
The Royal Wedding | 93 |
The Strong Princess | 94 |
King Cheese | 95 |
Paul Bunyan's Dinner | 96 |
Prince Peter's Peas | 97 |
Vulcan's Fire | 98 |
Davy's Hat | 99 |
Athena's Owl | 100 |
Bigfoot! | 101 |
Annie's Cat | 102 |
Looking for a Head | 103 |
The Ugly Boy | 104 |
Quentin's Pony | 105 |
The Lady with a Lamp | 106 |
The Red Flower | 107 |
I Dare You | 108 |
The Good Mother | 109 |
The Bathtub | 110 |
Rosa on the Bus | 111 |
Franklin's Problem | 112 |
Anne's Diary | 113 |
The Girl Painter | 114 |
Mozart and Music | 115 |
Smokey the Bear | 116 |
Pat's Music | 117 |
Kat's Poem | 118 |
The Liberty Bell | 119 |
Stuart's Stuff | 120 |
The Small Girl | 121 |
Mark | 122 |
Tamales | 123 |
The Dog | 124 |
The Firefighter | 125 |
Grandma Is Sick | 126 |
The Bean Plant | 127 |
The Stray Cat | 128 |
New Baby | 129 |
The Airplane | 130 |
The Computer | 131 |
Spiders | 132 |
The Lie | 133 |
Frank's Bedroom | 134 |
Going Camping | 135 |
The Nest | 136 |
The Kitten | 137 |
Surfer Jin | 138 |
The Adventure | 139 |
The Note | 140 |
The Apple Thief | 141 |
Scary Story | 142 |
School Mice | 143 |
Lost Dog | 144 |
Dots of Flour | 145 |
The Green Eyes | 146 |
The Jungle | 147 |
Uncle Steve's Glasses | 148 |
The Mysterious Smell | 149 |
Runway Ghost | 150 |
The Young Owl | 151 |
Sammy Seal | 152 |
The Clumsy Cat | 153 |
Big Mouth | 154 |
Casey Can | 155 |
Wanda Worm | 156 |
The Slow Elephant | 157 |
The Silly Squirrel | 158 |
Saturn's Rings | 159 |
Planet Cat | 160 |
Troll Forest | 161 |
Emily's Rocket | 162 |
Glenda Goldfish | 163 |
Going to Earth | 164 |
Ant Boy | 165 |
Rita's Flight | 166 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
Passage | Page |
The Fisherwoman | 90 |
Talking Trees | 91 |
The Sharing Man | 92 |
Paul Bunyan's Dinner | 96 |
Vulcan's Fire | 98 |
Davy's Hat | 99 |
The Ugly Boy | 104 |
The Lady with a Lamp | 106 |
I Dare You | 108 |
The Good Mother | 109 |
Rosa on the Bus | 111 |
Franklin's Problem | 112 |
Anne's Diary | 113 |
Smokey the Bear | 116 |
Kat's Poem | 118 |
Stuart's Stuff | 120 |
The Small Girl | 121 |
Mark | 122 |
Tamales | 123 |
Grandma Is Sick | 126 |
New Baby | 129 |
The Airplane | 130 |
The Computer | 131 |
Spiders | 132 |
The Lie | 133 |
Surfer Jin | 138 |
The Note | 140 |
Scary Story | 142 |
School Mice | 143 |
Lost Dog | 144 |
The Green Eyes | 146 |
The Mysterious Smell | 149 |
Runway Ghost | 150 |
The Young Owl | 151 |
Sammy Seal | 152 |
The Clumsy Cat | 153 |
Big Mouth | 154 |
Wanda Worm | 156 |
The Slow Elephant | 157 |
Saturn's Rings | 159 |
Glenda Goldfish | 163 |
Ant Boy | 165 |
Rita's Flight | 166 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.1.7: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
Passage | Page |
The Farmer's Corn | 89 |
The Fisherwoman | 90 |
Talking Trees | 91 |
The Sharing Man | 92 |
The Royal Wedding | 93 |
The Strong Princess | 94 |
King Cheese | 95 |
Paul Bunyan's Dinner | 96 |
Prince Peter's Peas | 97 |
Vulcan's Fire | 98 |
Davy's Hat | 99 |
Athena's Owl | 100 |
Bigfoot! | 101 |
Annie's Cat | 102 |
Looking for a Head | 103 |
The Ugly Boy | 104 |
Quentin's Pony | 105 |
The Lady with a Lamp | 106 |
The Red Flower | 107 |
I Dare You | 108 |
The Good Mother | 109 |
The Bathtub | 110 |
Rosa on the Bus | 111 |
Franklin's Problem | 112 |
Anne's Diary | 113 |
The Girl Painter | 114 |
Mozart and Music | 115 |
Smokey the Bear | 116 |
Pat's Music | 117 |
Kat's Poem | 118 |
The Liberty Bell | 119 |
Stuart's Stuff | 120 |
The Small Girl | 121 |
Mark | 122 |
Tamales | 123 |
The Dog | 124 |
The Firefighter | 125 |
Grandma Is Sick | 126 |
The Bean Plant | 127 |
The Stray Cat | 128 |
New Baby | 129 |
The Airplane | 130 |
The Computer | 131 |
Spiders | 132 |
The Lie | 133 |
Frank's Bedroom | 134 |
Going Camping | 135 |
The Nest | 136 |
The Kitten | 137 |
Surfer Jin | 138 |
The Adventure | 139 |
The Note | 140 |
The Apple Thief | 141 |
Scary Story | 142 |
School Mice | 143 |
Lost Dog | 144 |
Dots of Flour | 145 |
The Green Eyes | 146 |
The Jungle | 147 |
Uncle Steve's Glasses | 148 |
The Mysterious Smell | 149 |
Runway Ghost | 150 |
The Young Owl | 151 |
Sammy Seal | 152 |
The Clumsy Cat | 153 |
Big Mouth | 154 |
Casey Can | 155 |
Wanda Worm | 156 |
The Slow Elephant | 157 |
The Silly Squirrel | 158 |
Saturn's Rings | 159 |
Planet Cat | 160 |
Troll Forest | 161 |
Emily's Rocket | 162 |
Glenda Goldfish | 163 |
Going to Earth | 164 |
Ant Boy | 165 |
Rita's Flight | 166 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.1.9: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
Passage | Page |
The Farmer's Corn | 89 |
The Fisherwoman | 90 |
Talking Trees | 91 |
The Sharing Man | 92 |
The Royal Wedding | 93 |
The Strong Princess | 94 |
King Cheese | 95 |
Paul Bunyan's Dinner | 96 |
Prince Peter's Peas | 97 |
Vulcan's Fire | 98 |
Davy's Hat | 99 |
Athena's Owl | 100 |
Bigfoot! | 101 |
Annie's Cat | 102 |
Looking for a Head | 103 |
The Ugly Boy | 104 |
Quentin's Pony | 105 |
The Lady with a Lamp | 106 |
The Red Flower | 107 |
I Dare You | 108 |
The Good Mother | 109 |
The Bathtub | 110 |
Rosa on the Bus | 111 |
Franklin's Problem | 112 |
Anne's Diary | 113 |
The Girl Painter | 114 |
Mozart and Music | 115 |
Smokey the Bear | 116 |
Pat's Music | 117 |
Kat's Poem | 118 |
The Liberty Bell | 119 |
Stuart's Stuff | 120 |
The Small Girl | 121 |
Mark | 122 |
Tamales | 123 |
The Dog | 124 |
The Firefighter | 125 |
Grandma Is Sick | 126 |
The Bean Plant | 127 |
The Stray Cat | 128 |
New Baby | 129 |
The Airplane | 130 |
The Computer | 131 |
Spiders | 132 |
The Lie | 133 |
Frank's Bedroom | 134 |
Going Camping | 135 |
The Nest | 136 |
The Kitten | 137 |
Surfer Jin | 138 |
The Adventure | 139 |
The Note | 140 |
The Apple Thief | 141 |
Scary Story | 142 |
School Mice | 143 |
Lost Dog | 144 |
Dots of Flour | 145 |
The Green Eyes | 146 |
The Jungle | 147 |
Uncle Steve's Glasses | 148 |
The Mysterious Smell | 149 |
Runway Ghost | 150 |
The Young Owl | 151 |
Sammy Seal | 152 |
The Clumsy Cat | 153 |
Big Mouth | 154 |
Casey Can | 155 |
Wanda Worm | 156 |
The Slow Elephant | 157 |
The Silly Squirrel | 158 |
Saturn's Rings | 159 |
Planet Cat | 160 |
Troll Forest | 161 |
Emily's Rocket | 162 |
Glenda Goldfish | 163 |
Going to Earth | 164 |
Ant Boy | 165 |
Rita's Flight | 166 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.1.10: With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1.
Passage | Page |
The Farmer's Corn | 89 |
The Fisherwoman | 90 |
Talking Trees | 91 |
The Sharing Man | 92 |
The Royal Wedding | 93 |
The Strong Princess | 94 |
King Cheese | 95 |
Paul Bunyan's Dinner | 96 |
Prince Peter's Peas | 97 |
Vulcan's Fire | 98 |
Davy's Hat | 99 |
Athena's Owl | 100 |
Bigfoot! | 101 |
Annie's Cat | 102 |
Looking for a Head | 103 |
The Ugly Boy | 104 |
Quentin's Pony | 105 |
The Lady with a Lamp | 106 |
The Red Flower | 107 |
I Dare You | 108 |
The Good Mother | 109 |
The Bathtub | 110 |
Rosa on the Bus | 111 |
Franklin's Problem | 112 |
Anne's Diary | 113 |
The Girl Painter | 114 |
Mozart and Music | 115 |
Smokey the Bear | 116 |
Pat's Music | 117 |
Kat's Poem | 118 |
The Liberty Bell | 119 |
Stuart's Stuff | 120 |
The Small Girl | 121 |
Mark | 122 |
Tamales | 123 |
The Dog | 124 |
The Firefighter | 125 |
Grandma Is Sick | 126 |
The Bean Plant | 127 |
The Stray Cat | 128 |
New Baby | 129 |
The Airplane | 130 |
The Computer | 131 |
Spiders | 132 |
The Lie | 133 |
Frank's Bedroom | 134 |
Going Camping | 135 |
The Nest | 136 |
The Kitten | 137 |
Surfer Jin | 138 |
The Adventure | 139 |
The Note | 140 |
The Apple Thief | 141 |
Scary Story | 142 |
School Mice | 143 |
Lost Dog | 144 |
Dots of Flour | 145 |
The Green Eyes | 146 |
The Jungle | 147 |
Uncle Steve's Glasses | 148 |
The Mysterious Smell | 149 |
Runway Ghost | 150 |
The Young Owl | 151 |
Sammy Seal | 152 |
The Clumsy Cat | 153 |
Big Mouth | 154 |
Casey Can | 155 |
Wanda Worm | 156 |
The Slow Elephant | 157 |
The Silly Squirrel | 158 |
Saturn's Rings | 159 |
Planet Cat | 160 |
Troll Forest | 161 |
Emily's Rocket | 162 |
Glenda Goldfish | 163 |
Going to Earth | 164 |
Ant Boy | 165 |
Rita's Flight | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Passage | Page |
Great-Horned Owls | 9 |
Cats | 10 |
The Crow | 11 |
The Polar Bear | 12 |
Dogs | 13 |
Emperor Penguin | 14 |
Gila Monster | 15 |
Millipedes | 16 |
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker | 17 |
Peregrine Falcon | 18 |
Anteater | 19 |
Stinkbug | 20 |
Giant Panda | 21 |
Black Widow | 22 |
Giraffe | 23 |
The Ocean | 24 |
Mountains | 25 |
Trees | 26 |
Rivers | 27 |
Deserts | 28 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Glaciers | 30 |
Rainforests | 31 |
Volcanoes | 32 |
Canyons | 33 |
Earthquakes | 34 |
Tornadoes | 35 |
Hurricanes | 36 |
Tsunami | 37 |
Blizzards | 38 |
Sun, Earth, and Moon | 39 |
Fossils | 40 |
Worms | 41 |
Trees | 42 |
Lightning | 43 |
Butterfly | 44 |
Fall Leaves | 45 |
Where Animals Go | 46 |
Stars | 47 |
The Moon | 48 |
Sharks | 49 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Venus Fly Trap | 51 |
Dust | 52 |
Rainbows | 53 |
Inventions | 54 |
American Colonies | 55 |
Betsy Ross | 56 |
The Bald Eagle | 57 |
Bison | 58 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
Johnny Appleseed | 61 |
Fireworks | 62 |
George Washington | 63 |
Abe Lincoln | 64 |
Sacagawea | 65 |
Harriet Tubman | 66 |
The Mayans | 67 |
Space Travel | 68 |
Germs | 69 |
Exercise | 70 |
Healthy Food | 71 |
Ears | 72 |
Lungs | 73 |
Sleep | 74 |
Water | 75 |
Teeth | 76 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Chicken Pox | 79 |
Eyes | 80 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Bruises | 82 |
Laughter | 83 |
Allergies | 84 |
Foods with Color | 85 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
Mozart and Music | 115 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.1.2: Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Passage | Page |
Great-Horned Owls | 9 |
Cats | 10 |
The Crow | 11 |
The Polar Bear | 12 |
Dogs | 13 |
Emperor Penguin | 14 |
Gila Monster | 15 |
Millipedes | 16 |
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker | 17 |
Peregrine Falcon | 18 |
Anteater | 19 |
Stinkbug | 20 |
Giant Panda | 21 |
Black Widow | 22 |
Giraffe | 23 |
The Ocean | 24 |
Mountains | 25 |
Trees | 26 |
Rivers | 27 |
Deserts | 28 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Glaciers | 30 |
Rainforests | 31 |
Volcanoes | 32 |
Canyons | 33 |
Earthquakes | 34 |
Tornadoes | 35 |
Hurricanes | 36 |
Tsunami | 37 |
Blizzards | 38 |
Sun, Earth, and Moon | 39 |
Fossils | 40 |
Worms | 41 |
Trees | 42 |
Lightning | 43 |
Butterfly | 44 |
Fall Leaves | 45 |
Where Animals Go | 46 |
Stars | 47 |
The Moon | 48 |
Sharks | 49 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Venus Fly Trap | 51 |
Dust | 52 |
Rainbows | 53 |
Inventions | 54 |
American Colonies | 55 |
Betsy Ross | 56 |
The Bald Eagle | 57 |
Bison | 58 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
Johnny Appleseed | 61 |
Fireworks | 62 |
George Washington | 63 |
Abe Lincoln | 64 |
Sacagawea | 65 |
Harriet Tubman | 66 |
The Mayans | 67 |
Space Travel | 68 |
Germs | 69 |
Exercise | 70 |
Healthy Food | 71 |
Ears | 72 |
Lungs | 73 |
Sleep | 74 |
Water | 75 |
Teeth | 76 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Chicken Pox | 79 |
Eyes | 80 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Bruises | 82 |
Laughter | 83 |
Allergies | 84 |
Foods with Color | 85 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.1.3: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Passage | Page |
Rivers | 27 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Sun, Earth, and Moon | 39 |
Fossils | 40 |
Trees | 42 |
Lightning | 43 |
Where Animals Go | 46 |
Stars | 47 |
The Moon | 48 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
Johnny Appleseed | 61 |
Fireworks | 62 |
Germs | 69 |
Healthy Food | 71 |
Lungs | 73 |
Sleep | 74 |
Water | 75 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Eyes | 80 |
Bruises | 82 |
Allergies | 84 |
Foods with Color | 85 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
Passage | Page |
Great-Horned Owls | 9 |
Cats | 10 |
The Crow | 11 |
Dogs | 13 |
Emperor Penguin | 14 |
Millipedes | 16 |
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker | 17 |
Peregrine Falcon | 18 |
Stinkbug | 20 |
Giant Panda | 21 |
Trees | 26 |
Deserts | 28 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Glaciers | 30 |
Rainforests | 31 |
Volcanoes | 32 |
Canyons | 33 |
Earthquakes | 34 |
Hurricanes | 36 |
Tsunami | 37 |
Fossils | 40 |
Trees | 42 |
Butterfly | 44 |
Fall Leaves | 45 |
Stars | 47 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Venus Fly Trap | 51 |
Dust | 52 |
Inventions | 54 |
American Colonies | 55 |
The Bald Eagle | 57 |
Bison | 58 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
George Washington | 63 |
Sacagawea | 65 |
Harriet Tubman | 66 |
The Mayans | 67 |
Space Travel | 68 |
Germs | 69 |
Water | 75 |
Teeth | 76 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Laughter | 83 |
Allergies | 84 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.1.6: Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
Passage | Page |
Great-Horned Owls | 9 |
Cats | 10 |
The Crow | 11 |
The Polar Bear | 12 |
Dogs | 13 |
Emperor Penguin | 14 |
Gila Monster | 15 |
Millipedes | 16 |
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker | 17 |
Peregrine Falcon | 18 |
Anteater | 19 |
Stinkbug | 20 |
Giant Panda | 21 |
Black Widow | 22 |
Giraffe | 23 |
The Ocean | 24 |
Mountains | 25 |
Trees | 26 |
Rivers | 27 |
Deserts | 28 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Glaciers | 30 |
Rainforests | 31 |
Volcanoes | 32 |
Canyons | 33 |
Earthquakes | 34 |
Tornadoes | 35 |
Hurricanes | 36 |
Tsunami | 37 |
Blizzards | 38 |
Sun, Earth, and Moon | 39 |
Fossils | 40 |
Worms | 41 |
Trees | 42 |
Lightning | 43 |
Butterfly | 44 |
Fall Leaves | 45 |
Where Animals Go | 46 |
Stars | 47 |
The Moon | 48 |
Sharks | 49 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Venus Fly Trap | 51 |
Dust | 52 |
Rainbows | 53 |
Inventions | 54 |
American Colonies | 55 |
Betsy Ross | 56 |
The Bald Eagle | 57 |
Bison | 58 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
Johnny Appleseed | 61 |
Fireworks | 62 |
George Washington | 63 |
Abe Lincoln | 64 |
Sacagawea | 65 |
Harriet Tubman | 66 |
The Mayans | 67 |
Space Travel | 68 |
Germs | 69 |
Exercise | 70 |
Healthy Food | 71 |
Ears | 72 |
Lungs | 73 |
Sleep | 74 |
Water | 75 |
Teeth | 76 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Chicken Pox | 79 |
Eyes | 80 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Bruises | 82 |
Laughter | 83 |
Allergies | 84 |
Foods with Color | 85 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.1.7: Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
Passage | Page |
Great-Horned Owls | 9 |
Cats | 10 |
The Crow | 11 |
The Polar Bear | 12 |
Dogs | 13 |
Emperor Penguin | 14 |
Gila Monster | 15 |
Millipedes | 16 |
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker | 17 |
Peregrine Falcon | 18 |
Anteater | 19 |
Stinkbug | 20 |
Giant Panda | 21 |
Black Widow | 22 |
Giraffe | 23 |
The Ocean | 24 |
Mountains | 25 |
Trees | 26 |
Rivers | 27 |
Deserts | 28 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Glaciers | 30 |
Rainforests | 31 |
Volcanoes | 32 |
Canyons | 33 |
Earthquakes | 34 |
Tornadoes | 35 |
Hurricanes | 36 |
Tsunami | 37 |
Blizzards | 38 |
Sun, Earth, and Moon | 39 |
Fossils | 40 |
Worms | 41 |
Trees | 42 |
Lightning | 43 |
Butterfly | 44 |
Fall Leaves | 45 |
Where Animals Go | 46 |
Stars | 47 |
The Moon | 48 |
Sharks | 49 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Venus Fly Trap | 51 |
Dust | 52 |
Rainbows | 53 |
Inventions | 54 |
American Colonies | 55 |
Betsy Ross | 56 |
The Bald Eagle | 57 |
Bison | 58 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
Johnny Appleseed | 61 |
Fireworks | 62 |
George Washington | 63 |
Abe Lincoln | 64 |
Sacagawea | 65 |
Harriet Tubman | 66 |
The Mayans | 67 |
Space Travel | 68 |
Germs | 69 |
Exercise | 70 |
Healthy Food | 71 |
Ears | 72 |
Lungs | 73 |
Sleep | 74 |
Water | 75 |
Teeth | 76 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Chicken Pox | 79 |
Eyes | 80 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Bruises | 82 |
Laughter | 83 |
Allergies | 84 |
Foods with Color | 85 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.1.9: Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).
Passage | Page |
The Ocean | 24 |
Rivers | 27 |
Sun, Earth, and Moon | 39 |
Stars | 47 |
Germs | 69 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.1.8: Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Passage | Page |
Rivers | 27 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Rainforests | 31 |
Earthquakes | 34 |
Tornadoes | 35 |
Hurricanes | 36 |
Tsunami | 37 |
Blizzards | 38 |
Fossils | 40 |
Worms | 41 |
Trees | 42 |
Lightning | 43 |
Sharks | 49 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Venus Fly Trap | 51 |
Inventions | 54 |
American Colonies | 55 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
Johnny Appleseed | 61 |
George Washington | 63 |
Abe Lincoln | 64 |
Sacagawea | 65 |
Harriet Tubman | 66 |
Germs | 69 |
Exercise | 70 |
Healthy Food | 71 |
Ears | 72 |
Lungs | 73 |
Sleep | 74 |
Water | 75 |
Teeth | 76 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Chicken Pox | 79 |
Eyes | 80 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Laughter | 83 |
Allergies | 84 |
Foods with Color | 85 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.1.10: With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.
Passage | Page |
Great-Horned Owls | 9 |
Cats | 10 |
The Crow | 11 |
The Polar Bear | 12 |
Dogs | 13 |
Emperor Penguin | 14 |
Gila Monster | 15 |
Millipedes | 16 |
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker | 17 |
Peregrine Falcon | 18 |
Anteater | 19 |
Stinkbug | 20 |
Giant Panda | 21 |
Black Widow | 22 |
Giraffe | 23 |
The Ocean | 24 |
Mountains | 25 |
Trees | 26 |
Rivers | 27 |
Deserts | 28 |
Wetlands | 29 |
Glaciers | 30 |
Rainforests | 31 |
Volcanoes | 32 |
Canyons | 33 |
Earthquakes | 34 |
Tornadoes | 35 |
Hurricanes | 36 |
Tsunami | 37 |
Blizzards | 38 |
Sun, Earth, and Moon | 39 |
Fossils | 40 |
Worms | 41 |
Trees | 42 |
Lightning | 43 |
Butterfly | 44 |
Fall Leaves | 45 |
Where Animals Go | 46 |
Stars | 47 |
The Moon | 48 |
Sharks | 49 |
The Food Chain | 50 |
Venus Fly Trap | 51 |
Dust | 52 |
Rainbows | 53 |
Inventions | 54 |
American Colonies | 55 |
Betsy Ross | 56 |
The Bald Eagle | 57 |
Bison | 58 |
Uncle Sam | 59 |
Yankee Doodle | 60 |
Johnny Appleseed | 61 |
Fireworks | 62 |
George Washington | 63 |
Abe Lincoln | 64 |
Sacagawea | 65 |
Harriet Tubman | 66 |
The Mayans | 67 |
Space Travel | 68 |
Germs | 69 |
Exercise | 70 |
Healthy Food | 71 |
Ears | 72 |
Lungs | 73 |
Sleep | 74 |
Water | 75 |
Teeth | 76 |
Bones | 77 |
Common Cold | 78 |
Chicken Pox | 79 |
Eyes | 80 |
Getting Mad | 81 |
Bruises | 82 |
Laughter | 83 |
Allergies | 84 |
Foods with Color | 85 |
Talk It Out | 86 |
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