Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Daily Warm-Ups: Reading, Grade 1

Daily Warm-Ups: Reading, Grade 1

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Literature, Grade 1

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Passage Page
The Farmer's Corn 89
The Fisherwoman 90
Talking Trees 91
The Sharing Man 92
The Royal Wedding 93
The Strong Princess 94
King Cheese 95
Paul Bunyan's Dinner 96
Prince Peter's Peas 97
Vulcan's Fire 98
Davy's Hat 99
Athena's Owl 100
Bigfoot! 101
Annie's Cat 102
Looking for a Head 103
The Ugly Boy 104
Quentin's Pony 105
The Lady with a Lamp 106
The Red Flower 107
I Dare You 108
The Good Mother 109
The Bathtub 110
Rosa on the Bus 111
Franklin's Problem 112
Anne's Diary 113
The Girl Painter 114
Mozart and Music 115
Smokey the Bear 116
Pat's Music 117
Kat's Poem 118
The Liberty Bell 119
Stuart's Stuff 120
The Small Girl 121
Mark 122
Tamales 123
The Dog 124
The Firefighter 125
Grandma Is Sick 126
The Bean Plant 127
The Stray Cat 128
New Baby 129
The Airplane 130
The Computer 131
Spiders 132
The Lie 133
Frank's Bedroom 134
Going Camping 135
The Nest 136
The Kitten 137
Surfer Jin 138
The Adventure 139
The Note 140
The Apple Thief 141
Scary Story 142
School Mice 143
Lost Dog 144
Dots of Flour 145
The Green Eyes 146
The Jungle 147
Uncle Steve's Glasses 148
The Mysterious Smell 149
Runway Ghost 150
The Young Owl 151
Sammy Seal 152
The Clumsy Cat 153
Big Mouth 154
Casey Can 155
Wanda Worm 156
The Slow Elephant 157
The Silly Squirrel 158
Saturn's Rings 159
Planet Cat 160
Troll Forest 161
Emily's Rocket 162
Glenda Goldfish 163
Going to Earth 164
Ant Boy 165
Rita's Flight 166

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.1.2: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.

Passage Page
The Farmer's Corn 89
The Fisherwoman 90
Talking Trees 91
The Sharing Man 92
The Royal Wedding 93
The Strong Princess 94
King Cheese 95
Paul Bunyan's Dinner 96
Prince Peter's Peas 97
Vulcan's Fire 98
Davy's Hat 99
Athena's Owl 100
Bigfoot! 101
Annie's Cat 102
Looking for a Head 103
The Ugly Boy 104
Quentin's Pony 105
The Lady with a Lamp 106
The Red Flower 107
I Dare You 108
The Good Mother 109
The Bathtub 110
Rosa on the Bus 111
Franklin's Problem 112
Anne's Diary 113
The Girl Painter 114
Mozart and Music 115
Smokey the Bear 116
Pat's Music 117
Kat's Poem 118
The Liberty Bell 119
Stuart's Stuff 120
The Small Girl 121
Mark 122
Tamales 123
The Dog 124
The Firefighter 125
Grandma Is Sick 126
The Bean Plant 127
The Stray Cat 128
New Baby 129
The Airplane 130
The Computer 131
Spiders 132
The Lie 133
Frank's Bedroom 134
Going Camping 135
The Nest 136
The Kitten 137
Surfer Jin 138
The Adventure 139
The Note 140
The Apple Thief 141
Scary Story 142
School Mice 143
Lost Dog 144
Dots of Flour 145
The Green Eyes 146
The Jungle 147
Uncle Steve's Glasses 148
The Mysterious Smell 149
Runway Ghost 150
The Young Owl 151
Sammy Seal 152
The Clumsy Cat 153
Big Mouth 154
Casey Can 155
Wanda Worm 156
The Slow Elephant 157
The Silly Squirrel 158
Saturn's Rings 159
Planet Cat 160
Troll Forest 161
Emily's Rocket 162
Glenda Goldfish 163
Going to Earth 164
Ant Boy 165
Rita's Flight 166

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

Passage Page
The Farmer's Corn 89
The Fisherwoman 90
Talking Trees 91
The Sharing Man 92
The Royal Wedding 93
The Strong Princess 94
King Cheese 95
Paul Bunyan's Dinner 96
Prince Peter's Peas 97
Vulcan's Fire 98
Davy's Hat 99
Athena's Owl 100
Bigfoot! 101
Annie's Cat 102
Looking for a Head 103
The Ugly Boy 104
Quentin's Pony 105
The Lady with a Lamp 106
The Red Flower 107
I Dare You 108
The Good Mother 109
The Bathtub 110
Rosa on the Bus 111
Franklin's Problem 112
Anne's Diary 113
The Girl Painter 114
Mozart and Music 115
Smokey the Bear 116
Pat's Music 117
Kat's Poem 118
The Liberty Bell 119
Stuart's Stuff 120
The Small Girl 121
Mark 122
Tamales 123
The Dog 124
The Firefighter 125
Grandma Is Sick 126
The Bean Plant 127
The Stray Cat 128
New Baby 129
The Airplane 130
The Computer 131
Spiders 132
The Lie 133
Frank's Bedroom 134
Going Camping 135
The Nest 136
The Kitten 137
Surfer Jin 138
The Adventure 139
The Note 140
The Apple Thief 141
Scary Story 142
School Mice 143
Lost Dog 144
Dots of Flour 145
The Green Eyes 146
The Jungle 147
Uncle Steve's Glasses 148
The Mysterious Smell 149
Runway Ghost 150
The Young Owl 151
Sammy Seal 152
The Clumsy Cat 153
Big Mouth 154
Casey Can 155
Wanda Worm 156
The Slow Elephant 157
The Silly Squirrel 158
Saturn's Rings 159
Planet Cat 160
Troll Forest 161
Emily's Rocket 162
Glenda Goldfish 163
Going to Earth 164
Ant Boy 165
Rita's Flight 166

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

Passage Page
The Fisherwoman 90
Talking Trees 91
The Sharing Man 92
Paul Bunyan's Dinner 96
Vulcan's Fire 98
Davy's Hat 99
The Ugly Boy 104
The Lady with a Lamp 106
I Dare You 108
The Good Mother 109
Rosa on the Bus 111
Franklin's Problem 112
Anne's Diary 113
Smokey the Bear 116
Kat's Poem 118
Stuart's Stuff 120
The Small Girl 121
Mark 122
Tamales 123
Grandma Is Sick 126
New Baby 129
The Airplane 130
The Computer 131
Spiders 132
The Lie 133
Surfer Jin 138
The Note 140
Scary Story 142
School Mice 143
Lost Dog 144
The Green Eyes 146
The Mysterious Smell 149
Runway Ghost 150
The Young Owl 151
Sammy Seal 152
The Clumsy Cat 153
Big Mouth 154
Wanda Worm 156
The Slow Elephant 157
Saturn's Rings 159
Glenda Goldfish 163
Ant Boy 165
Rita's Flight 166

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.1.7: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.

Passage Page
The Farmer's Corn 89
The Fisherwoman 90
Talking Trees 91
The Sharing Man 92
The Royal Wedding 93
The Strong Princess 94
King Cheese 95
Paul Bunyan's Dinner 96
Prince Peter's Peas 97
Vulcan's Fire 98
Davy's Hat 99
Athena's Owl 100
Bigfoot! 101
Annie's Cat 102
Looking for a Head 103
The Ugly Boy 104
Quentin's Pony 105
The Lady with a Lamp 106
The Red Flower 107
I Dare You 108
The Good Mother 109
The Bathtub 110
Rosa on the Bus 111
Franklin's Problem 112
Anne's Diary 113
The Girl Painter 114
Mozart and Music 115
Smokey the Bear 116
Pat's Music 117
Kat's Poem 118
The Liberty Bell 119
Stuart's Stuff 120
The Small Girl 121
Mark 122
Tamales 123
The Dog 124
The Firefighter 125
Grandma Is Sick 126
The Bean Plant 127
The Stray Cat 128
New Baby 129
The Airplane 130
The Computer 131
Spiders 132
The Lie 133
Frank's Bedroom 134
Going Camping 135
The Nest 136
The Kitten 137
Surfer Jin 138
The Adventure 139
The Note 140
The Apple Thief 141
Scary Story 142
School Mice 143
Lost Dog 144
Dots of Flour 145
The Green Eyes 146
The Jungle 147
Uncle Steve's Glasses 148
The Mysterious Smell 149
Runway Ghost 150
The Young Owl 151
Sammy Seal 152
The Clumsy Cat 153
Big Mouth 154
Casey Can 155
Wanda Worm 156
The Slow Elephant 157
The Silly Squirrel 158
Saturn's Rings 159
Planet Cat 160
Troll Forest 161
Emily's Rocket 162
Glenda Goldfish 163
Going to Earth 164
Ant Boy 165
Rita's Flight 166

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.1.9: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.

Passage Page
The Farmer's Corn 89
The Fisherwoman 90
Talking Trees 91
The Sharing Man 92
The Royal Wedding 93
The Strong Princess 94
King Cheese 95
Paul Bunyan's Dinner 96
Prince Peter's Peas 97
Vulcan's Fire 98
Davy's Hat 99
Athena's Owl 100
Bigfoot! 101
Annie's Cat 102
Looking for a Head 103
The Ugly Boy 104
Quentin's Pony 105
The Lady with a Lamp 106
The Red Flower 107
I Dare You 108
The Good Mother 109
The Bathtub 110
Rosa on the Bus 111
Franklin's Problem 112
Anne's Diary 113
The Girl Painter 114
Mozart and Music 115
Smokey the Bear 116
Pat's Music 117
Kat's Poem 118
The Liberty Bell 119
Stuart's Stuff 120
The Small Girl 121
Mark 122
Tamales 123
The Dog 124
The Firefighter 125
Grandma Is Sick 126
The Bean Plant 127
The Stray Cat 128
New Baby 129
The Airplane 130
The Computer 131
Spiders 132
The Lie 133
Frank's Bedroom 134
Going Camping 135
The Nest 136
The Kitten 137
Surfer Jin 138
The Adventure 139
The Note 140
The Apple Thief 141
Scary Story 142
School Mice 143
Lost Dog 144
Dots of Flour 145
The Green Eyes 146
The Jungle 147
Uncle Steve's Glasses 148
The Mysterious Smell 149
Runway Ghost 150
The Young Owl 151
Sammy Seal 152
The Clumsy Cat 153
Big Mouth 154
Casey Can 155
Wanda Worm 156
The Slow Elephant 157
The Silly Squirrel 158
Saturn's Rings 159
Planet Cat 160
Troll Forest 161
Emily's Rocket 162
Glenda Goldfish 163
Going to Earth 164
Ant Boy 165
Rita's Flight 166

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RL.1.10: With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1.

Passage Page
The Farmer's Corn 89
The Fisherwoman 90
Talking Trees 91
The Sharing Man 92
The Royal Wedding 93
The Strong Princess 94
King Cheese 95
Paul Bunyan's Dinner 96
Prince Peter's Peas 97
Vulcan's Fire 98
Davy's Hat 99
Athena's Owl 100
Bigfoot! 101
Annie's Cat 102
Looking for a Head 103
The Ugly Boy 104
Quentin's Pony 105
The Lady with a Lamp 106
The Red Flower 107
I Dare You 108
The Good Mother 109
The Bathtub 110
Rosa on the Bus 111
Franklin's Problem 112
Anne's Diary 113
The Girl Painter 114
Mozart and Music 115
Smokey the Bear 116
Pat's Music 117
Kat's Poem 118
The Liberty Bell 119
Stuart's Stuff 120
The Small Girl 121
Mark 122
Tamales 123
The Dog 124
The Firefighter 125
Grandma Is Sick 126
The Bean Plant 127
The Stray Cat 128
New Baby 129
The Airplane 130
The Computer 131
Spiders 132
The Lie 133
Frank's Bedroom 134
Going Camping 135
The Nest 136
The Kitten 137
Surfer Jin 138
The Adventure 139
The Note 140
The Apple Thief 141
Scary Story 142
School Mice 143
Lost Dog 144
Dots of Flour 145
The Green Eyes 146
The Jungle 147
Uncle Steve's Glasses 148
The Mysterious Smell 149
Runway Ghost 150
The Young Owl 151
Sammy Seal 152
The Clumsy Cat 153
Big Mouth 154
Casey Can 155
Wanda Worm 156
The Slow Elephant 157
The Silly Squirrel 158
Saturn's Rings 159
Planet Cat 160
Troll Forest 161
Emily's Rocket 162
Glenda Goldfish 163
Going to Earth 164
Ant Boy 165
Rita's Flight 166

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 1

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Passage Page
Great-Horned Owls 9
Cats 10
The Crow 11
The Polar Bear 12
Dogs 13
Emperor Penguin 14
Gila Monster 15
Millipedes 16
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker 17
Peregrine Falcon 18
Anteater 19
Stinkbug 20
Giant Panda 21
Black Widow 22
Giraffe 23
The Ocean 24
Mountains 25
Trees 26
Rivers 27
Deserts 28
Wetlands 29
Glaciers 30
Rainforests 31
Volcanoes 32
Canyons 33
Earthquakes 34
Tornadoes 35
Hurricanes 36
Tsunami 37
Blizzards 38
Sun, Earth, and Moon 39
Fossils 40
Worms 41
Trees 42
Lightning 43
Butterfly 44
Fall Leaves 45
Where Animals Go 46
Stars 47
The Moon 48
Sharks 49
The Food Chain 50
Venus Fly Trap 51
Dust 52
Rainbows 53
Inventions 54
American Colonies 55
Betsy Ross 56
The Bald Eagle 57
Bison 58
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
Johnny Appleseed 61
Fireworks 62
George Washington 63
Abe Lincoln 64
Sacagawea 65
Harriet Tubman 66
The Mayans 67
Space Travel 68
Germs 69
Exercise 70
Healthy Food 71
Ears 72
Lungs 73
Sleep 74
Water 75
Teeth 76
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Chicken Pox 79
Eyes 80
Getting Mad 81
Bruises 82
Laughter 83
Allergies 84
Foods with Color 85
Talk It Out 86
Mozart and Music 115

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.1.2: Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

Passage Page
Great-Horned Owls 9
Cats 10
The Crow 11
The Polar Bear 12
Dogs 13
Emperor Penguin 14
Gila Monster 15
Millipedes 16
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker 17
Peregrine Falcon 18
Anteater 19
Stinkbug 20
Giant Panda 21
Black Widow 22
Giraffe 23
The Ocean 24
Mountains 25
Trees 26
Rivers 27
Deserts 28
Wetlands 29
Glaciers 30
Rainforests 31
Volcanoes 32
Canyons 33
Earthquakes 34
Tornadoes 35
Hurricanes 36
Tsunami 37
Blizzards 38
Sun, Earth, and Moon 39
Fossils 40
Worms 41
Trees 42
Lightning 43
Butterfly 44
Fall Leaves 45
Where Animals Go 46
Stars 47
The Moon 48
Sharks 49
The Food Chain 50
Venus Fly Trap 51
Dust 52
Rainbows 53
Inventions 54
American Colonies 55
Betsy Ross 56
The Bald Eagle 57
Bison 58
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
Johnny Appleseed 61
Fireworks 62
George Washington 63
Abe Lincoln 64
Sacagawea 65
Harriet Tubman 66
The Mayans 67
Space Travel 68
Germs 69
Exercise 70
Healthy Food 71
Ears 72
Lungs 73
Sleep 74
Water 75
Teeth 76
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Chicken Pox 79
Eyes 80
Getting Mad 81
Bruises 82
Laughter 83
Allergies 84
Foods with Color 85
Talk It Out 86

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.1.3: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

Passage Page
Rivers 27
Wetlands 29
Sun, Earth, and Moon 39
Fossils 40
Trees 42
Lightning 43
Where Animals Go 46
Stars 47
The Moon 48
The Food Chain 50
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
Johnny Appleseed 61
Fireworks 62
Germs 69
Healthy Food 71
Lungs 73
Sleep 74
Water 75
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Eyes 80
Bruises 82
Allergies 84
Foods with Color 85

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.

Passage Page
Great-Horned Owls 9
Cats 10
The Crow 11
Dogs 13
Emperor Penguin 14
Millipedes 16
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker 17
Peregrine Falcon 18
Stinkbug 20
Giant Panda 21
Trees 26
Deserts 28
Wetlands 29
Glaciers 30
Rainforests 31
Volcanoes 32
Canyons 33
Earthquakes 34
Hurricanes 36
Tsunami 37
Fossils 40
Trees 42
Butterfly 44
Fall Leaves 45
Stars 47
The Food Chain 50
Venus Fly Trap 51
Dust 52
Inventions 54
American Colonies 55
The Bald Eagle 57
Bison 58
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
George Washington 63
Sacagawea 65
Harriet Tubman 66
The Mayans 67
Space Travel 68
Germs 69
Water 75
Teeth 76
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Getting Mad 81
Laughter 83
Allergies 84
Talk It Out 86

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.1.6: Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.

Passage Page
Great-Horned Owls 9
Cats 10
The Crow 11
The Polar Bear 12
Dogs 13
Emperor Penguin 14
Gila Monster 15
Millipedes 16
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker 17
Peregrine Falcon 18
Anteater 19
Stinkbug 20
Giant Panda 21
Black Widow 22
Giraffe 23
The Ocean 24
Mountains 25
Trees 26
Rivers 27
Deserts 28
Wetlands 29
Glaciers 30
Rainforests 31
Volcanoes 32
Canyons 33
Earthquakes 34
Tornadoes 35
Hurricanes 36
Tsunami 37
Blizzards 38
Sun, Earth, and Moon 39
Fossils 40
Worms 41
Trees 42
Lightning 43
Butterfly 44
Fall Leaves 45
Where Animals Go 46
Stars 47
The Moon 48
Sharks 49
The Food Chain 50
Venus Fly Trap 51
Dust 52
Rainbows 53
Inventions 54
American Colonies 55
Betsy Ross 56
The Bald Eagle 57
Bison 58
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
Johnny Appleseed 61
Fireworks 62
George Washington 63
Abe Lincoln 64
Sacagawea 65
Harriet Tubman 66
The Mayans 67
Space Travel 68
Germs 69
Exercise 70
Healthy Food 71
Ears 72
Lungs 73
Sleep 74
Water 75
Teeth 76
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Chicken Pox 79
Eyes 80
Getting Mad 81
Bruises 82
Laughter 83
Allergies 84
Foods with Color 85
Talk It Out 86

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.1.7: Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.

Passage Page
Great-Horned Owls 9
Cats 10
The Crow 11
The Polar Bear 12
Dogs 13
Emperor Penguin 14
Gila Monster 15
Millipedes 16
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker 17
Peregrine Falcon 18
Anteater 19
Stinkbug 20
Giant Panda 21
Black Widow 22
Giraffe 23
The Ocean 24
Mountains 25
Trees 26
Rivers 27
Deserts 28
Wetlands 29
Glaciers 30
Rainforests 31
Volcanoes 32
Canyons 33
Earthquakes 34
Tornadoes 35
Hurricanes 36
Tsunami 37
Blizzards 38
Sun, Earth, and Moon 39
Fossils 40
Worms 41
Trees 42
Lightning 43
Butterfly 44
Fall Leaves 45
Where Animals Go 46
Stars 47
The Moon 48
Sharks 49
The Food Chain 50
Venus Fly Trap 51
Dust 52
Rainbows 53
Inventions 54
American Colonies 55
Betsy Ross 56
The Bald Eagle 57
Bison 58
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
Johnny Appleseed 61
Fireworks 62
George Washington 63
Abe Lincoln 64
Sacagawea 65
Harriet Tubman 66
The Mayans 67
Space Travel 68
Germs 69
Exercise 70
Healthy Food 71
Ears 72
Lungs 73
Sleep 74
Water 75
Teeth 76
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Chicken Pox 79
Eyes 80
Getting Mad 81
Bruises 82
Laughter 83
Allergies 84
Foods with Color 85
Talk It Out 86

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.1.9: Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).

Passage Page
The Ocean 24
Rivers 27
Sun, Earth, and Moon 39
Stars 47
Germs 69
Common Cold 78
Getting Mad 81
Talk It Out 86

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.1.8: Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.

Passage Page
Rivers 27
Wetlands 29
Rainforests 31
Earthquakes 34
Tornadoes 35
Hurricanes 36
Tsunami 37
Blizzards 38
Fossils 40
Worms 41
Trees 42
Lightning 43
Sharks 49
The Food Chain 50
Venus Fly Trap 51
Inventions 54
American Colonies 55
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
Johnny Appleseed 61
George Washington 63
Abe Lincoln 64
Sacagawea 65
Harriet Tubman 66
Germs 69
Exercise 70
Healthy Food 71
Ears 72
Lungs 73
Sleep 74
Water 75
Teeth 76
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Chicken Pox 79
Eyes 80
Getting Mad 81
Laughter 83
Allergies 84
Foods with Color 85
Talk It Out 86

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.1.10: With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.

Passage Page
Great-Horned Owls 9
Cats 10
The Crow 11
The Polar Bear 12
Dogs 13
Emperor Penguin 14
Gila Monster 15
Millipedes 16
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker 17
Peregrine Falcon 18
Anteater 19
Stinkbug 20
Giant Panda 21
Black Widow 22
Giraffe 23
The Ocean 24
Mountains 25
Trees 26
Rivers 27
Deserts 28
Wetlands 29
Glaciers 30
Rainforests 31
Volcanoes 32
Canyons 33
Earthquakes 34
Tornadoes 35
Hurricanes 36
Tsunami 37
Blizzards 38
Sun, Earth, and Moon 39
Fossils 40
Worms 41
Trees 42
Lightning 43
Butterfly 44
Fall Leaves 45
Where Animals Go 46
Stars 47
The Moon 48
Sharks 49
The Food Chain 50
Venus Fly Trap 51
Dust 52
Rainbows 53
Inventions 54
American Colonies 55
Betsy Ross 56
The Bald Eagle 57
Bison 58
Uncle Sam 59
Yankee Doodle 60
Johnny Appleseed 61
Fireworks 62
George Washington 63
Abe Lincoln 64
Sacagawea 65
Harriet Tubman 66
The Mayans 67
Space Travel 68
Germs 69
Exercise 70
Healthy Food 71
Ears 72
Lungs 73
Sleep 74
Water 75
Teeth 76
Bones 77
Common Cold 78
Chicken Pox 79
Eyes 80
Getting Mad 81
Bruises 82
Laughter 83
Allergies 84
Foods with Color 85
Talk It Out 86

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