Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Jumping High | 13-15 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Aunt Bea Had | 21-23 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Strange Horses | 37-39 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Floating Egg | 57-59 |
Help for the Doctor | 61-63 |
Letter From a Pen Pal | 65-67 |
The Boat That Was Alive | 69-71 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Beast that Ran Away | 77-79 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
All the Bears | 85-87 |
Seeing Birds that Swim | 89-91 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Sarah and the Giant | 105-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Jumping High | 13-15 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Aunt Bea Had | 21-23 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Strange Horses | 37-39 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Floating Egg | 57-59 |
Help for the Doctor | 61-63 |
Letter From a Pen Pal | 65-67 |
The Boat That Was Alive | 69-71 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Beast that Ran Away | 77-79 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
All the Bears | 85-87 |
Seeing Birds that Swim | 89-91 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Sarah and the Giant | 105-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.1.2: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Jumping High | 13-15 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Aunt Bea Had | 21-23 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Strange Horses | 37-39 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Floating Egg | 57-59 |
Help for the Doctor | 61-63 |
Letter From a Pen Pal | 65-67 |
The Boat That Was Alive | 69-71 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Beast that Ran Away | 77-79 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
All the Bears | 85-87 |
Seeing Birds that Swim | 89-91 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Sarah and the Giant | 105-107 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.1.5: Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Jumping High | 13-15 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Aunt Bea Had | 21-23 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Strange Horses | 37-39 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Floating Egg | 57-59 |
Help for the Doctor | 61-63 |
Letter From a Pen Pal | 65-67 |
The Boat That Was Alive | 69-71 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Beast that Ran Away | 77-79 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
All the Bears | 85-87 |
Seeing Birds that Swim | 89-91 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Sarah and the Giant | 105-107 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.1.7: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Jumping High | 13-15 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Aunt Bea Had | 21-23 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Strange Horses | 37-39 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Floating Egg | 57-59 |
Help for the Doctor | 61-63 |
Letter From a Pen Pal | 65-67 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Beast that Ran Away | 77-79 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
All the Bears | 85-87 |
Seeing Birds that Swim | 89-91 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Sarah and the Giant | 105-107 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.1.9: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Jumping High | 13-15 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Aunt Bea Had | 21-23 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Strange Horses | 37-39 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Floating Egg | 57-59 |
Help for the Doctor | 61-63 |
Letter From a Pen Pal | 65-67 |
The Boat That Was Alive | 69-71 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Beast that Ran Away | 77-79 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
All the Bears | 85-87 |
Seeing Birds that Swim | 89-91 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Sarah and the Giant | 105-107 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.1.10: With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1.
Passage | Pages |
The Hot Dog Mystery | 9-11 |
Jumping High | 13-15 |
Only Pizza | 17-19 |
What Aunt Bea Had | 21-23 |
What Ken Did | 25-27 |
The Monster | 29-31 |
Where the Hat Could Be | 33-35 |
The Strange Horses | 37-39 |
The Red Sea | 41-43 |
The Tiger's Warning | 45-47 |
When the Lights Went Out | 49-51 |
What the Dog Wanted | 53-55 |
The Floating Egg | 57-59 |
Help for the Doctor | 61-63 |
Letter From a Pen Pal | 65-67 |
The Boat That Was Alive | 69-71 |
The Fast Pitcher | 73-75 |
The Beast that Ran Away | 77-79 |
The Missing Teeth | 81-83 |
All the Bears | 85-87 |
Seeing Birds that Swim | 89-91 |
Seeing with Closed Eyes | 93-95 |
A Swimmer's Diary | 97-99 |
What They Could Eat but Could Not Say | 101-103 |
Sarah and the Giant | 105-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Why the Dog Barked | 8-11 |
Left on the Moon | 12-15 |
The Not Bears | 16-19 |
Pockets | 20-23 |
The Island State | 24-27 |
Pony in the White House | 28-31 |
Dog Food for a Guest | 32-35 |
Saved By a Cow | 36-39 |
What Covers Most of the Earth | 40-43 |
Thumbprints and a Tiger | 44-47 |
How Louis Could Read | 48-51 |
What Pulled Andrea Out | 52-55 |
The Boy Who Could Not Sink | 56-59 |
The SKI-DOG | 60-63 |
Drinking Ocean Water | 64-67 |
A Bridge That Is Alive | 68-71 |
The Pitcher with One Hand | 72-75 |
The New Year in China | 76-79 |
Growing a Tooth in Just One Day | 80-83 |
The United States Flag | 84-87 |
Sailing Across a Continent | 88-91 |
What a Camel Can Do | 92-95 |
First Across the Channel | 96-99 |
A Tongue Twister | 100-103 |
A Country Below Sea Level | 104-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.1.2: Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Passage | Pages |
Why the Dog Barked | 8-11 |
Left on the Moon | 12-15 |
The Not Bears | 16-19 |
Pockets | 20-23 |
The Island State | 24-27 |
Pony in the White House | 28-31 |
Dog Food for a Guest | 32-35 |
Saved By a Cow | 36-39 |
What Covers Most of the Earth | 40-43 |
Thumbprints and a Tiger | 44-47 |
How Louis Could Read | 48-51 |
What Pulled Andrea Out | 52-55 |
The Boy Who Could Not Sink | 56-59 |
The SKI-DOG | 60-63 |
Drinking Ocean Water | 64-67 |
A Bridge That Is Alive | 68-71 |
The Pitcher with One Hand | 72-75 |
The New Year in China | 76-79 |
Growing a Tooth in Just One Day | 80-83 |
The United States Flag | 84-87 |
Sailing Across a Continent | 88-91 |
What a Camel Can Do | 92-95 |
First Across the Channel | 96-99 |
A Tongue Twister | 100-103 |
A Country Below Sea Level | 104-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.1.3: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Why the Dog Barked | 8-11 |
Left on the Moon | 12-15 |
The Not Bears | 16-19 |
Pockets | 20-23 |
Saved By a Cow | 36-39 |
Thumbprints and a Tiger | 44-47 |
How Louis Could Read | 48-51 |
What Pulled Andrea Out | 52-55 |
The Boy Who Could Not Sink | 56-59 |
The SKI-DOG | 60-63 |
The Pitcher with One Hand | 72-75 |
Growing a Tooth in Just One Day | 80-83 |
The United States Flag | 84-87 |
Sailing Across a Continent | 88-91 |
What a Camel Can Do | 92-95 |
A Country Below Sea Level | 104-107 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.1.6: Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Why the Dog Barked | 8-11 |
Left on the Moon | 12-15 |
The Not Bears | 16-19 |
Pockets | 20-23 |
The Island State | 24-27 |
Pony in the White House | 28-31 |
Dog Food for a Guest | 32-35 |
Saved By a Cow | 36-39 |
What Covers Most of the Earth | 40-43 |
Thumbprints and a Tiger | 44-47 |
How Louis Could Read | 48-51 |
What Pulled Andrea Out | 52-55 |
The Boy Who Could Not Sink | 56-59 |
The SKI-DOG | 60-63 |
Drinking Ocean Water | 64-67 |
A Bridge That Is Alive | 68-71 |
The Pitcher with One Hand | 72-75 |
The New Year in China | 76-79 |
Growing a Tooth in Just One Day | 80-83 |
The United States Flag | 84-87 |
Sailing Across a Continent | 88-91 |
What a Camel Can Do | 92-95 |
First Across the Channel | 96-99 |
A Tongue Twister | 100-103 |
A Country Below Sea Level | 104-107 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Why the Dog Barked | 8-11 |
Left on the Moon | 12-15 |
The Not Bears | 16-19 |
Pockets | 20-23 |
The Island State | 24-27 |
Pony in the White House | 28-31 |
Dog Food for a Guest | 32-35 |
Saved By a Cow | 36-39 |
What Covers Most of the Earth | 40-43 |
Thumbprints and a Tiger | 44-47 |
How Louis Could Read | 48-51 |
What Pulled Andrea Out | 52-55 |
The Boy Who Could Not Sink | 56-59 |
The SKI-DOG | 60-63 |
Drinking Ocean Water | 64-67 |
A Bridge That Is Alive | 68-71 |
The Pitcher with One Hand | 72-75 |
The New Year in China | 76-79 |
Growing a Tooth in Just One Day | 80-83 |
The United States Flag | 84-87 |
Sailing Across a Continent | 88-91 |
What a Camel Can Do | 92-95 |
First Across the Channel | 96-99 |
A Tongue Twister | 100-103 |
A Country Below Sea Level | 104-107 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.1.7: Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
Passage | Pages |
Why the Dog Barked | 8-11 |
Left on the Moon | 12-15 |
The Not Bears | 16-19 |
Pockets | 20-23 |
The Island State | 24-27 |
Pony in the White House | 28-31 |
Dog Food for a Guest | 32-35 |
Saved By a Cow | 36-39 |
What Covers Most of the Earth | 40-43 |
Thumbprints and a Tiger | 44-47 |
How Louis Could Read | 48-51 |
What Pulled Andrea Out | 52-55 |
The Boy Who Could Not Sink | 56-59 |
The SKI-DOG | 60-63 |
Drinking Ocean Water | 64-67 |
A Bridge That Is Alive | 68-71 |
The Boat That Was Alive | 69-71 |
The Pitcher with One Hand | 72-75 |
The New Year in China | 76-79 |
Growing a Tooth in Just One Day | 80-83 |
The United States Flag | 84-87 |
Sailing Across a Continent | 88-91 |
What a Camel Can Do | 92-95 |
First Across the Channel | 96-99 |
A Tongue Twister | 100-103 |
A Country Below Sea Level | 104-107 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.1.10: With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.
Passage | Pages |
Why the Dog Barked | 8-11 |
Left on the Moon | 12-15 |
The Not Bears | 16-19 |
Pockets | 20-23 |
The Island State | 24-27 |
Pony in the White House | 28-31 |
Dog Food for a Guest | 32-35 |
Saved By a Cow | 36-39 |
What Covers Most of the Earth | 40-43 |
Thumbprints and a Tiger | 44-47 |
How Louis Could Read | 48-51 |
What Pulled Andrea Out | 52-55 |
The Boy Who Could Not Sink | 56-59 |
The SKI-DOG | 60-63 |
Drinking Ocean Water | 64-67 |
A Bridge That Is Alive | 68-71 |
The Pitcher with One Hand | 72-75 |
The New Year in China | 76-79 |
Growing a Tooth in Just One Day | 80-83 |
The United States Flag | 84-87 |
Sailing Across a Continent | 88-91 |
What a Camel Can Do | 92-95 |
First Across the Channel | 96-99 |
A Tongue Twister | 100-103 |
A Country Below Sea Level | 104-107 |
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