Crazy Circles Lesson Plan & Record Book

  • 160 pages
  • Product ID: TCR3269
  •  Rating 3.2
    5 Reviews | Write A Review

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Create lesson plans and record attendance and grades for 40 weeks of school. Perforated pages allow one list of students names to be used across several pages of records. Bonus pages provide substitute teacher information, seating chart, student roster, birthday chart, weekly schedule, monthly planner, and grading chart. 8 1/2 x 11". 160 pages, spiral bound.



Reviewed By: M
I did not take the time to look through the entire book because I just figured that if I bought it at a teacher supply store, it would be good. The lesson planning part does not work for me at all. There is no room to write any plans. The entire book is a waist for me.

Reviewed: 09/06/2015

Vertical Days!

Reviewed By: Lisa
Finally, a planner that runs vertically. I teach several middle school subjects a day and like the customizable columns. Plenty of pages in the grade book section and enough lines for my classes with 35 students. I will be using this planner/grade book again next year.

Reviewed: 03/12/2015

Great product for the price & I would recommend it.

Reviewed By: Linda (Staten Island)
I haven't gotten to use the product yet. School does not start till September but it seems as though it has everything needed and more.

Reviewed: 08/24/2014

Cute, but not practical!

Reviewed By: AC
This is a very cute product but it leaves much to be desired.
The class record section is its only other strong point. The grid squares are large and easy to use.
I bought it primarily for the Lesson Plans section and I am very disappointed! It is simply broken into 6 vertical columns, one for notes and one for each weekday. The columns have writing guidelines with every 3rd or 4th one being a dotted "primary school" style line.

I would have never bought this if I could have seen the inside on the website!!!

Reviewed: 09/05/2013

Great product for the price.

Reviewed By: Angela (Burnsville, NC)
Very nice plan book. Would like to see color on the inside because I am very visual but it has everything a teacher needs to plan and record grades.

Reviewed: 07/27/2013

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