Alphabet Treasury [Enhanced E-book]

  • Grades: Preschool - Kindergarten
  • 208 pages
  • Product ID: TCR2340

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Banish the boredom! Use a 5-day lesson plan to introduce each letter of the alphabet -- and have fun! Start with a few simple physical movements like airplanes flying, babies crying, cats meowing, or dinosaurs roaring. Add a tracing activity that provides opportunities for learning to write the letter. Then be creative with an art activity like elephant stick puppets, ladybug rocks, owl wind socks, star magnets, or zany zeroes. Make time for a picture wheel and/or a minibook each week. Spice it all up with a cooking project when you can. At the end of the year, kids will have made progress in phonemic awareness, fine and gross motor skills, reading, writing, following directions, social skills, creativity, art and dramatic play -- all while learning their ABCs!

ISBN: 9781420621877 UPC:

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