Similes and Metaphors

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Language Arts, Writing, Writing Process, Traits of Writing

Grade 3- 5


Students practice writing creatively through the use of similes and metaphors.


Define similes and metaphors for students. A simile is a comparison of two different things using words such as like or as. For example: I'm hungry as a bear. A metaphor compares two different things as if they are the same, without using comparison words such as like or as. For example: The moon is a white Frisbee floating over the mountain.
Emphasize to students the importance of writing creatively. A good way for them to warm up their creative muscles before starting the activity sheets is to have them play with similes as a class. Have them complete sentences such as:
I feel limp as a(n). . .
I feel happy as a(n). . .
I feel strong as a(n). . .
I feel silly as a(n). . .
I feel light as a(n). . .
I feel as grumpy as a(n). . .
I feel as hungry as a(n). . .
I feel sleepy as a(n). . .


Simile and Metaphor activity sheets (2)

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