What Did You Say?

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Language Arts, Writing, Punctuation

Grade 1- 3


Students will learn to use quotation marks around a direct quote and use a comma to set off a quotation.


Tell students that quotation marks are used to show the words a person is saying. Give them this example:
Mary said, "I love the color blue."

The words inside the quotation marks show the exact words Mary said. Notice that a comma is used to separate what Mary said from the rest of the sentence.

Write the following sentences on the board and have students work as a class to place a comma and quotation marks in each sentence.

  1. The doctor said You are in good health.
  2. Marty said My lizard escaped from the cage.
  3. He said You look nice today.
  4. Mrs. Thomas said Line up at the door.
  5. Dad said Come in for dinner.
Tell students that the word said is not the only word used to show that a person is speaking. Other words that can show a person is speaking are asked, screamed, questioned, wondered, yelled, and whispered.

Write the following sentences on the board and have students place a comma and quotation marks in each sentence.
  1. Michael asked Can I have a glass of milk?
  2. Watch out! screamed Judy.
  3. Jason wondered Should I go with them?
  4. My sister whispered Is the movie almost over?
  5. Mom yelled Go, Wildcats, go!
Distribute the activity sheet to students and have them practice what they have learned.


  • What Did You Say? Activity Sheets
  • Pencils

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