Moon Landing

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Language Arts, Writing, Writing Process, Oral Language, Listening, Science, Earth and Space Science, Art, Mediums, Techniques

Grade 1- 3


Students will learn about the July 20, 1969, moon landing.



On July 20, 1969, history was made when Apollo 11 took Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin ("Buzz" Aldrin) on a journey to the moon. They landed after five days of travel and were the first men to set foot on the moon's surface. The world watched as the men stepped from the craft and heard Armstrong's words, That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

The astronauts collected samples of moon rock and soil. They took photographs, performed experiments, and set up equipment that would be used to send information back to Earth. This great event led to several more lunar orbits and opened the door to space travel and study of the solar system.

Peek-a-boo Rocket Book

Have students demonstrate their knowledge of the first moon landing by creating peek-a-boo rocket books. To make a book, each student needs a copy of pages 41 and 42. Have students cut out the patterns. Glue the rocket top and bottom onto the center piece on the tabs and allow the glue to dry. On the lines provided, ask students to write about the historic moon-landing event. Then fold and crease on the dashed lines. Students may color the rockets, as desired, to complete their projects.

Moon Rocks

Your students can make their own moon rocks with an easy-to-make dough. To make the dough, mix together the ingredients listed above.

Knead the ingredients until the dough is smooth and pliable. If the dough is too dry, add a bit more water. If the dough is too sticky, add a bit more flour. Add a few sprinkles of silver glitter, if desired. Have each student mold a small portion of dough into an interesting rock shape. Allow the rocks to dry on waxed paper for several days. Display them with the peek-a-boo rocket book described above.


  • 4 cups (960 mL) flour
  • 2 cups (480 mL) salt
  • 2 cups (480 mL) water
  • 1 cup (240 mL) dry tea leaves (new or used
  • silver glitter (optional)
  • waxed paper

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