Free Monthly Activities Archive

Free Monthly Activities Archive

Explore our Free Teaching Activities Archive, full of engaging, educational activities perfect for classroom use, brain breaks, homework, and skills reinforcement! Ideal for teachers, substitute teachers, and homeschoolers, this archive aligns with monthly themes and special days, covering everything from holidays and history to STEM and literacy. Discover fun activities for Black History Month, Earth Day, Read Across America, and more, designed to inspire students and fit seamlessly into lesson plans.

Find fresh, ready-to-use resources every month to enhance your curriculum, foster learning, and keep students excited year-round!


February 2025

The month of February may be short, but it is home to a whole host of holidays and special dates, including Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, and Presidents Day. February is also Black History Month, or African American History Month. During this month, take some time to remember important people and events in American history.


Black History Month
Friday 14: Valentine's Day
Febuary 22: National Wildfire Day


January 2024

Now that the holidays have passed, it's time to switch gears. And because this is not always easy, here are some fun but educational activities to get your students back in learning mode.


January 17: Kid Inventors' Day
January 20: International Acceptance Day
January 23: National Handwriting Day

February 2024

The month of February may be short, but it is home to a whole host of holidays and special dates, including Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, and Presidents Day. February is also Black History Month, or African American History Month. During this month, take some time to remember important people and events in American history.


Black History Month
February 14: Valentine's Day
February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day

March 2024

March marks the official start of spring, and it is also National Women's History Month, National Nutrition Month, and Music in Our Schools Month. On top of that, March is the month that brings us St. Patrick's Day (March 17) and several days devoted to language arts education: Read Across America Day (March 2), World Poetry Day (March 21), and National Grammar Day (March 4).


March 2: Read Across America Day
March 14: Celebrate Scientists Day
March 19: First Day of Spring

April 2024

April is full of eco-friendly days promoting the preservation of Earth and its many inhabitants. Here are just a few of those days: National Dolphin Day (April 14), Save the Elephant Day (April 16), Audubon Day (April 26), and Arbor Day (April 26) - and of course, April is also home to Earth Day (April 22).


April 4: National Spelling Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 28: Pay It Forward

May 2024

May is host to a few notable holidays such as Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day. As a spring month, it's also home to many days honoring nature, growth, and creativity. Use these activities and products to celebrate some of May's many events.


May 19: Plant Something Day
May 30: National Creativity Day
May 31: Memorial Day

June 2024

In this sixth month of the year, we celebrate a lot! There is health (Global Running Day, June 5; National Hydration Day, June 23), communication (National Pen Pal Day, June 1; National Social Media Day, June 30), the environment (World Environment Day, June 5; World Oceans Day, June 8; World Rainforest Day, June 22), and some of the most important people in our lives (National Best Friends Day, June 8; Children's Day, June 9; Father's Day, June 16). But for kids (and teachers), maybe the most important thing that happens in June occurs on June 20. That is the official first day of summer, and it marks the time where we can all get outside and enjoy warm weather and nature.


June 5: World Environment Day
June 21: Focus on Summer

July 2024

In the U.S., July kicks off with a bang on the fourth (Independence Day) and continues with historical days devoted to topics such as space exploration.


July 4: Independence Day
July 29: NASA Created

August 2024

August is the time when summer heats up and also winds down, so it is no surprise that it is the home to many holidays based on enjoying the beach and all it has to offer. There's S'mores Day (August 10), Play in the Sand Day (August 11), Sandcastle Day (August 3), and National Beach Day (August 30). With events like World Wide Web Day (August 1) and Professional Engineers Day (August 3), August is also a time to celebrate days devoted to important STEAM concepts.


August 2: Professional Engineers Day
August 30: National Beach Day

September 2024

September is often a month of transition, as teachers and students get settled into a new school routine. To fill in any gaps, try these activities that cover such curricular areas as language arts, science, and social studies.


September 6: National Read a Book Day
September 13: Pluto No Longer Considered a Planet, 2006
September 17: U.S. Constitution Signed, 1787

October 2024

It's October, and you know what that means: Halloween is coming! While you're capturing the spirit with fun activities and festive decorations, remember that there is a lot more to this autumnal month than just Halloween.


October 15: Global Handwashing Day
October 28: Make a Difference Day
October 31: Halloween

November 2024

There is a lot going on this month! In addition to being the month for Veterans Day (November 11) and Thanksgiving (November 23), November is also home to many dates related to such important educational areas as literacy and STEM/STEAM.


National Authors' Day (November 1)
World Kindness Day (November 13)
National Hiking Day (November 17)
Thanksgiving (November 28)

December 2024

For many students, December is a festive time of holidays and fun games. These activities can help celebrate this special time of year and also keep students educationally engaged.


Winter Holidays
December 20: Games Day

December 2024

Now that the holiday season has passed, it's time to switch gears. And since this is not always easy, here are some fun but educational activities to get your students back in learning mode.


January 17: Kid Inventors' Day
January 20: International Acceptance Day
January 23: National Handwriting Day


January 2023

Now that the holidays have passed, it's time to switch gears. And because this is not always easy, here are some fun but educational activities to get your students back in learning mode.


Kid Inventors' Day
International Acceptance Day
National Handwriting Day

February 2023

The month of February may be short, but it is home to a whole host of holidays and special dates, including Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, and National Wildlife Day. February is also Black History Month, or African-American History Month. During this month, take some time to remember important people and events in American History.


Black History Month
Febuary 14: Valentine's Day
Febuary 22: National Wildlife Day

March 2023

March marks the official start of spring, and it is also National Women's History Month, National Nutrition Month, and Music in Our Schools Month. On top of that, March is the month that brings us St. Patrick's Day (March 17) and several days devoted to language arts education: Read Across America Day (March 2), World Poetry Day (March 21), and National Grammar Day (March 4).


March 2: Read Across America Day
March 14: Celebrate Scientists Day
March 20: First Day of Spring

March 2023

April is full of eco-friendly days promoting the preservation of Earth and its many inhabitants. Here are just a few of those days: National Dolphin Day (April 14), Save the Elephant Day (April 16), Audubon Day (April 26), and Arbor Day (April 28) -- and of course, April is also home to Earth Day (April 22).


April 2: International Children's Book Day
April 4: National Spelling Day
April 8: National Zoo Lovers Day
April 22: Earth Day

May 2023

May is host to a few notable holidays such as Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day. As a spring month, it's also home to many days honoring nature, growth, and creativity. Use these activities and products to celebrate some of May's many events.


May 19: Plant Something Day
May 30: National Creativity Day
May 31: Memorial Day

June 2023

In this sixth month of the year, we celebrate a lot: health (Global Running Day, June 2; National Hydration Day, June 23), communication (National Pen Pal Day, June 1; National Social Media Day, June 30), photography (National Selfie Day, June 21; National Camera Day, June 29), and some of the most important people in our lives (National Best Friends Day, June 8; Children's Day, June 11; Father's Day, June 18). But for kids (and teachers), maybe the most important thing that happens in June occurs on June 21. That is the official first day of summer, and it marks the time where we can all get outside and enjoy warm weather and nature.


Focus on Nature: Oceans, Rainforests, and More
Focus on Summer

July 2023

In the U.S., July kicks off with a bang on the fourth (Independence Day) and continues with historical days devoted to topics such as space exploration.


July 4th: Independence Day
July 20: Moon Day, Neil Armstrong Walks on the Moon

August 2023

August is the time when summer heats up and also winds down, so it is no surprise that it is the home to many holidays based on enjoying the beach and all it has to offer. There's S'mores Day (August 10), Play in the Sand Day (August 11), Sandcastle Day (August 5), and National Beach Day (August 30). With events like World Wide Web Day (August 1) and Professional Engineers Day (August 3), August is also a time to celebrate days devoted to important STEAM concepts.


August 2: Professional Engineers Day
August 30: National Beach Day

September 2023

September is often a month of transition, as teachers and students get settled into a new school routine. To fill in any gaps, try these activities that cover such curricular areas as language arts, science, and health.


September 4: National Wildlife Day
September 8: International Literacy Day
September 13: Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

October 2023

It's October, and you know what that means: Halloween is coming! While you're capturing the spirit with fun activities and festive decorations, remember that there is a lot more to this autumnal month than just Halloween.


October 15: Global Handwashing Day
October 28: Make a difference Day
October 31: Halloween

November 2023

There is a lot going on this month! In addition to being the month for Veterans Day (November 11) and Thanksgiving (November 23), November is also home to many dates related to such important educational areas as literacy and STEM/STEAM.


November 1: National Authors' Day
Novemer 8: National S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Day
November 21: World Hello Day
November 24: Thanksgiving

December 2023

For many students, December is a festive time of holidays and fun games. These activities can help celebrate this special time of year and also keep them educationally engaged.


Winter Holidays
December 20: Games Day


February 2022

The month of February may be short, but it is home to a whole host of holidays and special dates, including Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, and Presidents Day. February is also Black History Month, or African-American History Month. During this month, take some time to remember important people and events in American History.


Black History Month
February 14: Valentine's Day
February 21: President's Day

March 2022

March marks the official start of spring, and it is also National Women's History Month, National Nutrition Month, and Music in Our Schools Month. On top of that, March is the month that brings us St. Patrick's Day (March 17) and several days devoted to language arts education: Read Across America Day (March 2), World Poetry Day (March 21), and National Grammar Day (March 4).


March 2: Read Across America Day & Dr.Seuss's Birthday
March 20: First Day of Spring

April 2022

April is full of eco-friendly days promoting the preservation of Earth and its many inhabitants. Here are just a few of those days: National Dolphin Day (April 14), Save the Elephant Day (April 16), Audubon Day (April 26), and Arbor Day (April 30) - and of course, April is also home to Earth Day (April 22).


April 4: National Spelling Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 27: National Tell a Story Day

May 2022

May is host to a few notable holidays such as Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day. It is also home to both National Space Day and National Astronaut Day. Use these activities and products to honor some of May's many events.


May 6: National Space Day
May 30: National Creativity Day
May 31: Memorial Day

June 2022

June 21 is the official first day of summer, and that would be enough to make June a special month. However, in this sixth month of the year we also celebrate health (National Running Day, June 1; National Hydration Day, June 23), communication (National Pen Pal Day, June 1; National Social Media Day, June 30), photography (National Selfie Day, June 21; National Camera Day, June 29), and some of the most important people in our lives (National Best Friends Day, June 8; Children's Day, June 12; Father's Day, June 19).


June 1: Wrold Reef Awarness Day
June 21: Music Day
June 21: First Day of Summer

July 2022

In the U.S., July kicks off with a bang on the fourth (Independence Day) and continues with historical days devoted to topics such as space exploration.


July 4: Independence Day
July 29: NASA Created

August 2022

August is the time when summer heats up and also winds down, so it is no surprise that it is the home to many holidays based on enjoying the beach and all it has to offer. There's S'mores Day (August 10), Play in the Sand Day (August 11), Sandcastle Day (August 6), and National Beach Day (August 30). With events like World Wide Web Day (August 1) and Professional Engineers Day (August 3), August is also a time to celebrate days devoted to important STEAM concepts.


August 1: World Wide Web Day
August 3: Professional Engineers
August 30: Day National Beach Day

September 2022

September is often a month of transition, as teachers and students get settled into a new school routine. To fill in any gaps, try these activities that cover such curricular areas as language arts, social studies, and art.


September 8: International Literacy Day
September 15: International Dot Day
September 17: U.S. Constitution Signed, 1787

October 2022

It's October, and you know what that means: Halloween is coming! The holiday may look different again this year, but the spirit can still be captured with fun activities and festive decorations. And let's not forget that there are 31 days in October and there is a lot more to this autumnal month than just Halloween.


October 15: Global Handwashing Day
October 22: Make a Difference Day
October 31: Halloween

November 2022

There is a lot going on this month! In addition to being the month for Veterans Day (November 11) and Thanksgiving (November 24), November is also home to many dates related to such important educational areas as literacy and STEM/STEAM.


November 1: National Authors' Day
November 8: S.T.E.M Day
November 24: Thanksgiving

December 2022

When most of us think of December, we think of winter and of all the holidays that make this month so festive. But December is also the time when a lot of important moments in U.S. history occurred. All of these special days make December a great time to celebrate the present and take a look back at the past.


Winter Holidays
Important Days in U.S History


January 2021

Now that the holidays have passed, it's time to switch gears. January is a great time to get your students interested in a variety of subjects. Our activities this month encourage students to learn about technology and challenge themselves with puzzles.


National Technology Day (January 6)
First Super Bowl Played (January 15, 1967)
January 29: National Puzzle Day

February 2021

The month of February may be short, but it is home to a whole host of holidays and special dates, including Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, and Presidents Day. February is also Black History Month, or African-American History Month. During this month, take some time to remember important people and events in American History.


Black History Month
Valentine’s Day (February 14)

March 2021

There's a lot going on in March! This month marks the official start of spring, and it is also National Women's History Month, National Nutrition Month, and Music in Our Schools Month. On top of that, March is the month that brings us St. Patrick's Day (March 17) and special days for reading (March 2), poetry (March 21), and grammar (March 4).


Read Across America Day (March 2)
National Plant a Flower Day (March 12) & First Day of Spring (March 20)

April 2021

April is full of eco-friendly days promoting the preservation of Earth and its many inhabitants. Here are just a few of those days: National Dolphin Day (April 14), Save the Elephant Day (April 16), Audubon Day (April 26), and Arbor Day (April 30) - and of course, April is also home to Earth Day (April 22). With such events as National Find a Rainbow Day (April 3), World Health Day (April 7), and National Sense of Smell Day (April 24), April is also a great month to focus on science, medicine, and being healthy.


April 21 - World Creativity and Innovation Day
April 22 - Earth Day
April 27 - National Tell a Story Day

May 2021

May is host to a few notable holidays such as Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day. It is also home to both National Space Day and National Astronaut Day. Use these activities and products to honor some of May's many events.


National May 5 - Astronaut Day and May 7 National Space Day
May 21 - Endangered Species Day
May 31 - Memorial Day

June 2021

June 20 is the official first day of summer, and that would be enough to make June a special month. However, in this sixth month of the year we also celebrate health (National Running Day, June 2; National Hydration Day, June 23), communication (National Pen Pal Day, June 1; National Social Media Day, June 30), photography (National Selfie Day, June 21; National Camera Day, June 29), and some of the most important people in our lives (National Best Friends Day, June 8; National Children's Day, June 13; Father's Day, June 20).


June 1 - World Reef Awareness Day
June 20 - First Day of Summer
June 21 - Music Day

July 2021

In the U.S., July kicks off with a bang on the fourth (Independence Day) and continues with historical days devoted to topics such as space exploration.


July 4 - Independence Day
July 20 - Moon Day: Neil Armstrong Walks on the Moon

August 2021

August is the time when summer heats up and also winds down, so it is no surprise that it is the home to many holidays based on enjoying the beach and all it has to offer. There's S'mores Day (August 10), Play in the Sand Day (August 11), Sandcastle Day (August 19), and National Beach Day (August 30). With events like World Wide Web Day (August 1) and Professional Engineers Day (August 4), August is also a time to celebrate days devoted to important STEAM concepts.


August 1 - World Wide Web Day
August 4 - Professional Engineers Day
August 30 - National Beach Day

September 2021

The month of September is often a time of transition, as teachers and students get settled into a new school routine. This year promises to be even more of a challenge, with many students returning to in-person learning after a long period of virtual education. To fill in any gaps, try these activities that cover such curricular areas as reading, art, and nutrition/health.


September 8 - International Literacy Day
September 13 - Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day
September 15 - International Dot Day
September 17 - U.S. Constitution Signed, 1787

October 2021

It's October, and you know what that means: Halloween is coming! The holiday may look different again this year, but the spirit can still be captured with fun activities and festive decorations. And let's not forget that there are 31 days in October and there is a lot more to this autumnal month than just Halloween.


World Smile Day
National Apple Day

November 2021

There is a lot going on this month! In addition to being the month for Veterans Day (November 11) and Thanksgiving (November 26), November is also home to many dates related to such important educational areas as literacy and STEM/STEAM.


November 1 - National Authors' Day
November 8 - National S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Day
November 26 - Thanksgiving

December 2021

When most of us think of December, we think of winter and of all the holidays that make this month so festive. But December is also the time when a lot of important moments in U.S. history occurred. All of these special days make December a great time to celebrate the present and take a look back at the past.


Winter Holidays
Important Days in U.S. History

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