Tag Archives: at-home activities

Five Tips for Standards-Based Learning at Home

The beginning of this school year probably looks a lot different than what you imagined, whether your children are starting remotely, going back in the classroom, or a hybrid of the two. Yet, regardless of how the actual school day looks, both teachers and students are still being held to the normal grade-level standards of … Continue reading Five Tips for Standards-Based Learning at Home »

Cooped Up With Kids During COVID-19

These are uncertain and unprecedented times. You’re doing your best to adhere to all the rules and regulations. You’re following all the safety and health precautions. You’re staying home and hunkering down. You’re also about to lose your mind. It’s only a few days into “homeschooling”; you’re out of (energy and) novel ideas, you’re ready … Continue reading Cooped Up With Kids During COVID-19 »