Ideas for Motivating and Rewarding Students

Special Mailbox A cute idea for the classroom is to mount a real mailbox on a support stand. Use this to send special notes to students, praising their efforts and progress. Some examples of reasons to send notes are as follows: being kind to another making learning progress being polite and courteous birthdays or other … Continue reading Ideas for Motivating and Rewarding Students »

Ideas to Get Students Participating in the Classroom

Are some students not participating enough? Are the same students always participating while others just sit? Try a tally device to make the teacher and students aware of how often they are participating in whole-class activities and/or discussions. For each activity, place three of anything on each student’s desk—right in front for easy access and … Continue reading Ideas to Get Students Participating in the Classroom »

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part V of V

Part V: After the Conference Follow-Up Immediately following each conference, before the next parent comes to your desk, jot down in your daily task book the follow-up tasks that need to be done. (For example, “Check with Johnny’s math teacher about homework assignments.”) Make sure to follow up and record this the next day. Ending … Continue reading Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part V of V »

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part IV of V

Part IV: During the Conference Here are some tips to consider while the conference is in session: Greet the parents at the door to welcome them into “your turf.” Remember that it is very important to make them feel welcome and comfortable. Watch your body language. Research has shown that body language sometimes speaks louder than … Continue reading Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part IV of V »