Standardized Test-Taking Tips & Strategies: Part VII – Year Round Prep & Last Minute Tips

A student’s performance on a standardized test is influenced by many things: some obvious, some elusive, some over which educators have control, and others over which they do not. Until someone invents a magic wand, word, or potion that can be waved over, said to, or imbibed by students, educators will have to rely on … Continue reading Standardized Test-Taking Tips & Strategies: Part VII – Year Round Prep & Last Minute Tips »

Standardized Test-Taking Tips & Strategies: Part IV – Secrets to Acing Tests

When we teach our students test-taking strategies, we run the risk of inadvertently implying that it is possible to do well on a test by simply strategizing alone. This, of course, is not the case. No test-taking strategy can take the place of simply knowing the material, and it’s important that this be stated explicitly … Continue reading Standardized Test-Taking Tips & Strategies: Part IV – Secrets to Acing Tests »