Need Your Students Quiet and On-Task? Try Secret Workers.

Need a new strategy to get your students to stay quiet and focus on their work? Try Secret Workers. Secretly pick two people and write their names down. Announce to the class that the teacher has picked two Secret Workers. If the two Secret Workers are quiet, follow the directions, and stay on task, they … Continue reading Need Your Students Quiet and On-Task? Try Secret Workers. »

Students Forgetting Their Homework? Try This Behavior Reflection Approach

If a student forgets his or her homework, a teacher may have the student stay in at recess or during study hall, do the missing work, and fill out a behavior reflection form. This form is designed to have students think about what they did, why it was inappropriate, and how to avoid this behavior … Continue reading Students Forgetting Their Homework? Try This Behavior Reflection Approach »

Incentives for Good Behavior and Staying On Task for Middle School Students

As children grow older, we often assume that small rewards won’t suffice, especially during the middle school years. Contrary to that belief, however, middle school-aged kids sill love being rewarded for their ability to behave and stay on task—although the type of rewards change just a bit. What follows is a list of some incentives … Continue reading Incentives for Good Behavior and Staying On Task for Middle School Students »