Category Archives: Teaching Tips

Pandemonium With Purpose: Teaching Vocabulary and My Secret Weapon

Inevitably, as you get to know your students at the beginning of a new school year, you also begin to think of new activities and variations on existing lessons that honor their personalities and learning styles.  I know I did.  I was full of ideas.  What bothered me, though, was that when I was a … Continue reading Pandemonium With Purpose: Teaching Vocabulary and My Secret Weapon »

Reading Aloud in Middle Grade Classrooms

After lunch my kids used to come barreling into the classroom.  They had wolfed down lunches and then run off to play basketball or gossip among themselves.  They came into class sweaty and chatty.  They would throw their backpacks down, grab their books, pens and papers, and sprawl in their chairs.  How would I ever … Continue reading Reading Aloud in Middle Grade Classrooms »

Tips for Starting a Classroom Blog

I correspond on a regular basis with a group of writers who also teach at writers’ conferences. We attend other workshops as well, in which we hear how it is important to have an “online presence.” Is an online presence also important for us as classroom teachers? Is it important for our students? I’m fortunate … Continue reading Tips for Starting a Classroom Blog »