Category Archives: Teaching Tips

Multicultural Classroom Ventures in the Land of ELLs

Salvador, Imad, Jonathan, Rita, Loi, Pierre, Ana, and Cruz. These are the names of just a handful of my ELL students. These are the names I think about often—the names of students who challenged, humored, and taught me in the classroom each day while I taught English as a Second Language at CSU Pomona. For … Continue reading Multicultural Classroom Ventures in the Land of ELLs »

Focusing in Today’s Technological World (for “Students” of All Ages)

Each week at TCR, educational magazines are passed around to all the editors to keep us aware of trends, hot topics, and current research. It’s become one of our “eyes” into the classroom. Each magazine has its own focus, whether it be technology, literacy, or the like. And while some of the articles can have … Continue reading Focusing in Today’s Technological World (for “Students” of All Ages) »

Help Wanted: Small Steps to Gain Teacher Support

In every classroom there is diversity in student abilities, teaching styles, and levels of interest. So how does any one teacher teach all types of students and meet all parents’ expectations? Not a clue! I did however learn a few helpful things while teaching Pre-K (the new K) that seem to hold true no matter … Continue reading Help Wanted: Small Steps to Gain Teacher Support »