Category Archives: Teaching Tips

Classroom Birthday Celebrations: What Happened to the Fun?

Guess what? Today is my birthday! That probably doesn’t mean much to you, but it made me think about how birthdays are being celebrated in the classroom these days. Or are they being celebrated at all? When I was in elementary school, if it was a student’s birthday, he or she got to bring in … Continue reading Classroom Birthday Celebrations: What Happened to the Fun? »

Think Time for Planning Lessons and Life

What exactly is think time? For me it’s a block of time that I actually set aside to just sit and think. What, you ask in shock? Who has time to just sit and think? Isn’t that just a waste of time, sitting and thinking? The short answer is no. Think time makes me more … Continue reading Think Time for Planning Lessons and Life »

Real Tips for Virtual Field Trips

No money, no time, limited opportunities for class field trips these days? No worries—go virtual! You don’t need permission slips, chaperones, or transportation. You don’t even need to buckle up. But don’t kick back and relax just yet—you DO need to plan, preview, prepare, and present and review any trip, virtual or real. Virtual field … Continue reading Real Tips for Virtual Field Trips »