Category Archives: Classroom Management

Tips for Preparing for the End of the School Year

End of the School Year The end of the school year tends to sneak up on us. This is the time to make an effort towards origination and preparation so that the transition to next fall will happen smoothly. Packing Things Away Begin packing things away when you know you are finished using them. This … Continue reading Tips for Preparing for the End of the School Year »

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part II of V

Part II: Arranging Your Room for Parent Conferences When it comes to arranging your room for conferences, every classroom is different and everyone has his or her own style, so setting up for conferences is clearly a personal matter. Some teachers, moreover, may feel that their everyday classroom is just fine to hold parent-teacher conferences. … Continue reading Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part II of V »

Quiet Signals for Getting Attention and Control of Your Classroom

What do you use to get the attention of your students when they are working? It’s hard for the “teacher look” to work when they are happily working on a group activity or not looking at you and talking as they work. One of the best treats a teacher can do for herself is to … Continue reading Quiet Signals for Getting Attention and Control of Your Classroom »

Time Management Tips for Teachers: Part IV of IV

Part IV: Meeting Deadlines and Keeping Appointments It is obviously essential that you meet deadlines, be they deadlines set by your principal, by a parent, or of your own accord. You must respect deadlines and make no excuses to yourself for missing them. The following procedures will eliminate the missed deadlines and allow you to … Continue reading Time Management Tips for Teachers: Part IV of IV »