Category Archives: Classroom Management

10 Terrific Ways to Use Library Pockets

Library Pockets aren’t just for checking out books. They are so versatile, you can use them in many creative ways in the classroom.  As teachers start preparing for back to school, organization is key. You can use library pockets to stay organized with a classroom job chart, birthday bulletin board and more. Check out a few … Continue reading 10 Terrific Ways to Use Library Pockets »

Teacher Tips: End of the School Year Organization

Testing is done and you had another fantastic year of teaching! The school year is coming to an end but there’s just one last thing left to do—pack up the classroom! It’s important to do as much cleaning, packing, planning, and organizing in the classroom before the school year ends. It will save you a … Continue reading Teacher Tips: End of the School Year Organization »

Writing Effective Report Card Comments on Behavior

When it comes to writing report card comments and progress reports, it can be challenging to find effective words to communicate the details of each student’s progress. When writing report card comments, remember to focus on the positive first. Comments on both academic and personal behaviors should be assessed and written in a report card … Continue reading Writing Effective Report Card Comments on Behavior »

Making Assessments Meaningful for Students

I think meaningful assessments can come in many shapes and sizes.  However, to be thoroughly engaging and to draw the best work out of the students, assessments should be aligned with real-world skills. When I think about my own definition of a “Meaningful Assessment,” I think the test must meet certain requirements.  The assessment must … Continue reading Making Assessments Meaningful for Students »