Time Management Tips for Teachers: Part II of IV

Part II: Keeping Your Classroom Organized 

Part two of our “Time Management Tips for Teachers” series is all about staying organized. (For tips on how to organize your classroom, see previous post, “Tips for Classroom Organization“). Once you have your classroom organizational system in place, it is important that you maintain it as if it were the health of your classroom. You must exercise the system, feed it, tend to it, show it proper care, and believe in it for it to work.

Always remember to make sure you have a chance at the beginning of the day, during the day, or at the end of the day for simple maintenance. A few simple tasks for classroom maintenance include:

  • Moving classroom furniture back in its place.
  • Keeping classroom information up to date.
  • Making sure calendars are up to date.
  • Making sure you are caught up with correcting.
  • Making sure you are caught up with recordkeeping. Try using record books to help you with this.
  • Making sure you are ahead on lesson planning. For help with lesson planning, check out ClassroomZoom.com.
  • Making certain you are prepared with lesson plan materials gathered. Use file folders to keep everything together and secure. 
  • Making certain you are completing all daily tasks. Try making a check list (and checking it twice 😉 ).
  • Checking to make sure you have a minimum in your “immediate business file.”
  • Making sure you have no mail in your mail pile at the end of your day.
  • Making sure you are updated on parent communication.
  • Making certain your files are organized and you haven’t stuffed unwanted papers into your files.

Keeping the above tasks up-to-date and maintained will keep you organized, proficient, and stress free. If you notice that you have overlooked any of the above, such as falling behind in reading your mail, plan a time during the day to complete it. Try writing it down as a task to help you remember to follow through on it.

You may also find it helpful and worthwhile to maintain a stocked supply cabinet with necessary supplies such as file folders, notepads, lesson planners, and other useful teacher supplies to keep you organized. Everything goes smoother with the right supplies, so it is always useful to have them ready in your classroom. If you are running low and need to restock your supply cabinet for the new year, the holiday gift-giving season may be a perfect time to do so. Let friends and family know if you would like any teaching materials or supplies as gifts if they ask. You can also ask parents or your school for donations.

For more tips on keeping your classroom organized, check out

2 thoughts on “Time Management Tips for Teachers: Part II of IV”

  1. Jamie

    There is obviously a lot to know about gifts for teachers. I think you made some good points in Time Management Tips for Teachers: Part II of IV

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