Need a way to reward good behavior in the classroom? Use a rectangular accent piece or thick card stock to make a rewards card for each student. Write each student’s name in the middle of the rewards card and use a hole puncher to give hole punches to students when they are demonstrating good behavior. Keep the rewards card in a visible place on the student’s desk. This way, you can check to make sure that you are not missing a student or unfairly giving one student too many punches on his or her card. Randomly reward good behaviors such as the following:
-Completing work assignments
-Following instructions well
-Studying with another student
-Attention to task
-Helping another student
-Showing kindness to fellow students
Set a time limit on the card’s use, such as a new good behavior reward card every two weeks or so. You will find that students will count the number of holes they have earned. This makes the card a constant reinforcer of good behavior. If you are a preschool on kindergarten teacher, have students thread a string around all the holes when their rewards card is full. Threading is a great way to strengthen fine motor skills.
Have a special reward or treat when each student has earned a set number of hole punches. Students must know they are working to attain a goal.
life saver!!!!!!