Yearly Archives: 2009

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part V of V

Part V: After the Conference Follow-Up Immediately following each conference, before the next parent comes to your desk, jot down in your daily task book the follow-up tasks that need to be done. (For example, “Check with Johnny’s math teacher about homework assignments.”) Make sure to follow up and record this the next day. Ending … Continue reading Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part V of V »

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part IV of V

Part IV: During the Conference Here are some tips to consider while the conference is in session: Greet the parents at the door to welcome them into “your turf.” Remember that it is very important to make them feel welcome and comfortable. Watch your body language. Research has shown that body language sometimes speaks louder than … Continue reading Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part IV of V »

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part III of V

Part III: Prior Communication and Preparation When it comes to conducting smooth parent-teacher conferences,  some teachers find it effective to make prior contact before conference time rolls around. At the beginning of the year, before the formal conference time, consider calling the parents. Get off to a good start with your students’ parents. Call and introduce … Continue reading Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part III of V »

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part II of V

Part II: Arranging Your Room for Parent Conferences When it comes to arranging your room for conferences, every classroom is different and everyone has his or her own style, so setting up for conferences is clearly a personal matter. Some teachers, moreover, may feel that their everyday classroom is just fine to hold parent-teacher conferences. … Continue reading Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part II of V »