Yearly Archives: 2009

Standardized Test-Taking Tips & Strategies: Part I – Introduction

Standardized tests have not only been the subject of intense controversy among educators, but also the cause of much teeth-gnashing among students. And it’s understandable. If individuals are unique and learning styles and ways of understanding varied, how then can a standardized test accurately measure what a student knows? There is a story of a … Continue reading Standardized Test-Taking Tips & Strategies: Part I – Introduction »

School Year Lesson Reminder Binders

Reminder Binders Sometimes we wonder where the school year goes. Time seems to fly. Teachers start to think, “Are the children even aware of all they have learned and experienced by January, or even June for that matter?” To aid their memory, have a reminder binder to browse through throughout the year and especially at … Continue reading School Year Lesson Reminder Binders »

Tips for Encouraging Good Student Behavior

Red Pen Reversal Teachers often use a red pen to mark answers that are incorrect. Instead of using a red pen to check all wrong answers, use a red pen to check all right answers! Write “okay” on all correct answers. Leave answers that are wrong untouched. This is another silent message to students to … Continue reading Tips for Encouraging Good Student Behavior »

More Ideas for Rewarding Good Behavior

Classroom Coupons Why not create coupons to give as rewards for good behavior, special efforts, good work? Coupons could be for eating with the teacher, a night off from homework, having lunch with another class, moving one’s desk to a preferred spot, etc. Coupons are a fun way to reward. Compliment Box Have a special … Continue reading More Ideas for Rewarding Good Behavior »